This has been a difficult week for me, for various reasons, and perhaps a bit late to make a chronicle of what happened on 13 February.
But I prefer not to let the ink remaining in the impressions that I took that day and thinking I've matured.
The first consideration is to Anonymous, a movement began to take shape organically few years ago in the Together, and gradually being introduced in our country.
Who or what is Anonymous? Let's read the Wikipedia:
Anonymous (English: Anonymous) is a term used in two senses. As an internet meme or phenomenon, is the concept of many online community users or the community itself, acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually vaguely agreed to a target.
is also a label adopted by groups of people, without a definite organization, which does not belong to any association, but to join the protests and other actions under the name of Anonymous, which is derived the same meme. Generally considered as a term for certain Internet subcultures.
The actions attributed to Anonymous are carried out by unidentified individuals who call themselves Anonymous. After a series of controversies, protests and DDoS attacks in 2008, incidents involving its members are increasingly common. Anonymous
But when he jumped into the international arena was when he recently broke down pages Visa, Mastercard , Amazon and PayPal by distributed denial of service (DDOS) to protest harassment the channels for financing Wikileaks .
So this was my first touchdown on Anonymous, and the first of many, as later, in a demonstration for Julian Assange in the Plaza de Callao , I found some guys with the mask of Guy Fawkes handing out stickers Anonymous self-managed.

Thanks to that contact, I have first hand COUNTRY INFORMATION and how self-Anonymous, in his famous IRC channel, and what was going on in that mind hive, which supposedly makes decisions and decide the following collectively.
In practice, we have here in Spain is a rather chaotic motion, driven mostly by people too young, some of them full of revolutionary ideas, but many others just by desire for power and megalomaniacs. In this sense we can interpret spokesman reported against of or threats Neuro published on his blog (the blog that is a hive) against Nano Anonymous.
Although disappointed by these internal disputes, however I decided to attend the rally that Anonymous had called the day of Goya, but rather than go to the Plaza del Rey (where the municipal authority had ordered relocate concentration), the expression was changed by a concentration of citizens in the same hurdles the Royal Theatre.
February 13 celebrated the "feast" of English cinema, whose only value can be exported image of our cinema to the world, since the ceremony and the awards themselves are nothing but a cock comedura collective, in which nobody really wants to open a productive debate on the future of English cinema.
A English market, certainly, is experiencing one of its lowest moments in our country, but paradoxically we are witnessing a mass exodus directors, directors Photography, composers, technicians, actors and other professionals in the film industry to other countries, especially the United States, where a dry of ideas Hollywood has long since started a estrategegia import talent.
This was, then, the scenario that would develop the show of the Goya. Only a few "rebels" of our film, as the director of the Academy Álex de la Iglesia, and Serna Asumpta and Imanol Arias, gave a show of support to the group of citizens that Sunday was beginning hurdles to concentrate behind the safety device had been assembled for the event.
In the safety device included the presence of private security, as the individual who is seen in the photo below. The blog's author believes was a private security professional for comments he made to his companions and they snapped into a walkie-talkie: "[...] we encountered a group of suspicious-looking individuals in one of the [...]". side fences

Rumors about the presence of infiltrators aborotadores that would burst the merger, was something that had been discussed in social networks and forums in the days prior. But this intimidation, rather than fear, was an incentive for the undecided, and so about 20:00 hours, and with some hesitation, began to hear the first song and the first slogans in front of the Teatro Real.
And it was a success and an example of behavior for all who attended there. Anonymous True silence when some troublemaker advised a slogan that would involve an insult, and when some threw eggs at the attendees at the gala, they were immediately rebuked by anti-slogans.
concentration itself was fairly consistently collected by some independent media. Of course television and traditional media manipulated the information as possible, describing the concentration and an anecdotal note on a great festival of English cinema (in this strategy of manipulation, the organization even placed a row of attendants with umbrellas for Anonymous saliésemos not in the photo of the party). Yet, just needed to see the face of industry professionals coming into the Theatre Royal to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was afoot was: a real pressure cooker of slogans, songs, good cheer and protest against a minister (Ángeles González-Sinde), but especially a law that attacks the freedom of the Net as we know it today.

Sinde-Biden law, a term coined by the binomial González-Sinde (Culture Minister) and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is a first step in a roadmap designed from United States, with the connivance of the European Union to end the existing freedom of information Internet today. This roadmap begins with a law permitting the closing of any "website that has caused or is likely to cause property damage", which in practice could close any existing web page: Who has not searched on the Internet any image with which to illustrate a post? Who has not quoted a journalist or media?
This type of crime, which could have made sense when drafting the intellectual property law in our country twenty years ago, have it stop when it comes to Internet, when everyone has returned to normal patterns of behavior and netiquette.
So the second final provision of the law of sustainable economy, commonly known as Sind-Biden bill is so dangerous. It is not just that we stop "getting off" movies and series. This is is an attack on the separation of powers, the first stab at the Internet as we know it, and the first attempt to build an Internet TV like a 2.0.
Citizens do not want Internet is another video on demand. We want the freedom to read and write than the Internet gives us that we have now, freedom of linking and redirect, the liberty of quoting and sharing.
culture industry as we know it must change or die. Should open new markets, new systems of production, distribution and marketing it to reach the millions of people who daily download movies and series, with an adequate supply, would not. Those who govern us will not understand that there is a bigger niche than ever, but the poor and unfortunate supply that exists in this country makes this niche is redirected toward free options.

Sinde law will only create alternative ways to download information, but has breached the public trust to our leaders (officers, ie, politicians, and unofficial communication industries and corporocracias). The people we have been attacked on our freedom, and the manifestation of 13F was the first act of a war that historians will talk tomorrow.
The war for freedom of thought. The war for the freedom of communication. The war will be fought not only in social networks, twitter and facebook, as they believe, but to be a war down the street (as Anonymous boys have shown). A war that will go to the mall and leaflets goal in the books. A war which will be photocopied and distributed flyers on the subway. A war which ATMs have anti-graffiti system. It will be a war in which the citizens will demand participatory democracy. Will be a war where the enemy is PPSOE and bipartisanship that we try to become consumers.
We are not consumers. We are citizens. We are anonymous. Do not forget and not forgive. We are legion.

Wait for us.