Monday, September 29, 2008

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virtual learning objects Learning Objects in Virtual Education

Learning Objects in Virtual Education
The OA are elements for instruction, learning or computer-based teaching. Not really a technology.
Object orientation is based on the creation of entities with the intention that can be reused in multiple applications. This method promises wide-ranging improvements in the way of design, software development and maintenance of offering a long-term solution to the problems and concerns that have existed since the beginning of software development: the lack of code portability and reuse code that is difficult to modify, long development cycles and non-intuitive coding techniques.
The virtual education is characterized by the intensive use of ICT value added which prints, especially communication processes, which in turn enhance the chances of a better interaction between students and teachers and certainly among the students themselves and even with the educational process actors who are neither students nor teachers but play important roles current educational processes, we are talking about community, family, state, trade unions, the private sector, etc. What what is now known as virtual education is far from the idea we have of distance education? Sure. And it is only natural considering that virtual education is a much improved distance education in both pedagogical strategies in the design of the resources required for learning. Undoubtedly, virtual education is for educational processes in which students and teachers are geographically distant and make use of ICT to support learning processes that are brewing there.
Learning objects appear as an alterative to the development of content conceived and designed for virtual learning environments. However, applying vastly surpasses this scenario so that it can be used as supporting materials to the speech teacher, and self-study materials or as part of the learning process, either face, blended or distance learning.
A virtual learning object (OVA) is defined as any material structured in a meaningful way, coupled with an educational purpose, corresponding to a resource of digital character that can be distributed among magnetic and consulted on the Internet


• Simulators are learning objects through a try to model software program from a replica of the phenomena of reality. Its purpose is to build user knowledge from the exploratory work, the inference and discovery learning. The simulators are developed in an interactive environment that allows the user to modify parameters and see how the system reacts to the change introduced.

• Animations are a set of static images that are placed in sequence to give the impression motion, to be shot at high speed. Usually used for demonstrations or simulations.

• Interactive Documents are documents in which the interaction refers to the hypertext refers to a navigation system that provides access to content Digital

• Courses OVAs are complex and structured training in any area of \u200b\u200bknowledge through the Internet or distributed on electronic media such as CD-ROMs

• Multimedia applications are computer equipment which is to facilitate self-learning by the user. Integrated into a single package various media (hence the name), such as text, images, videos, animations and sounds. They are a powerful educational tool, useful for teaching various subjects, especially languages.

The Virtual Classroom

is a private environment to manage educational processes supported by systems computer mediated communication. Comparable to a real classroom because it has everything that this provides: board, textbook, library, communication channels, calendar and many additional tools. Presents many advantages as an opportunity to meet anytime and anywhere. In principle thought to be only useful for distance learning courses, but many teachers have found that supplementing a classroom course with a virtual classroom is ideal.


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Some distance theories that emphasize the use of the media (ICTs)

integrative theory or didactic dialogue mediated

Basa its proposal in communication through the media that when it comes to materials, relies on self-study when it comes to communication channels in the vertical and horizontal interaction: teacher-student and student-student. Who has raised

this proposal Aretio Lorenzo Garcia, who stated that dialogue is not mediated learning rather than didactic two-way interaction between two entities in store geographically and, possibly, in time, established through means made up of materials produced and for a few roads that allow synchronous or asynchronous connection. Dialogue

simulated and asynchronous learning: self-study is presented-by or in relation to instructional materials. The student acts autonomously and independently with the material that the teacher (institution) has been prepared. Requires preparation of material for self learning.

real dialogue didactic synchronous or asynchronous, is the feedback or reinforcement, which comes through channels or communication channels. Is real and lies in vertical reinforcement (teacher-student) for achieving learning objectives. Therefore demand the availability of channels or permanent channels of communication open and available to students and teachers to real interaction and synchronous or asynchronous. According to Garcia Aretio

, the objective of EAD system should be to facilitate effective dialogue mediated learning between the teacher (institution) and the distance learner to learn it independently independent. It is therefore the responsibility of the teacher (institution) at a distance, design, produce materials, tutors and interact with students, promoting flexible learning, autonomous and independent individual or cooperative.

Theory of equivalence or emergency American, Michael Simonson

This theory is the following statement, which focuses the objective of any system of EAD: So that distance education is successful, your application must provide distant students learning experiences equivalent to those of local students to achieve learning outcomes also equivalent (Simonson, Samaldino, Albright and Zvacek, 2002 p.46) above regardless of applied instructional design and learning environments are different for both groups.

addition, these authors report that they should consider the following requirements for an equivalent education: A learning experience is anything to facilitate learning including what is seen, felt, heard or done. For example, if library resources are important for a correspondence course, then those resources must be available to all students, accessible either by mail or by regular mail channeled loan.

EAD A system implies that the experiences student learning or classroom distance learning, show equivalent values, but these experiences are different or developed in different environments. (García Aretio), that if, subject to achieve the same learning objectives. It also requires proper implementation of instructional designs that exploit the use of telecommunications technology and computer science, and facilitate the accomplishment of learning events of equal value to all students.

To implement this theory of equivalence, the distance educator is responsible for design proposals and instructional activities that provide learning experiences of equal value to all students (García Aretio)

Biliografía, Diploma virtual tutor, tutorial Accompaniment EDA, UNAD.2008.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

When Can Leopard Geckos Eat Pinkies

learning objects as learning objects

are times where the teaching is focused on student learning
therefore be designed learning objects from a constructivist perspective which involves building knowledge through conceptual models whose projection fits within the mental models of students and expand.
also means taking into account student characteristics, their cognitive styles,
special educational needs, etc ..., to adapt these learning objects and
enable each which can activate the most appropriate learning strategies to acquire knowledge
The OA must become facilitators of learning elements should be reusable in different learning environments, accessible and interchangeable between different subjects.
The structure of OA, their presentation and quantity of information which may contain
is directly subordinate to the type of information to be treated.
Given the importance of presenting the student with structured information
and schematic, we refer to as OA content organized into introduction, theoretical modules which in turn have a subgoal, and evaluation activities that may contain resources such as text, audio, video, JavaScript, Flash, simulations, case studies, etc. ..
The OA as facilitators must strengthen the teaching-learning process and as such should be able to motivate, attract attention and lead to memory to achieve meaningful learning. Not to forget to reach all students equally.

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The following table may be the advantages offered by the learning objects for both students and teachers

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Advantages Features Components and OVA

professor and fellow Hello, below I focus my contribution related to the OVA (Virtual Learning Objects). Significantly, these components must integrate and meet certain specific characteristics that allow them to be reusable and upgradeable.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

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"The educational technology in the classroom is worth nothing if teachers do not use it efficiently." "Computers are not magic, teachers yes." Craig Barrett, Intel chairman.

(Dar click to view chart)


as used in the teaching and learning, teaching aids and educational resources in general can perform various functions, including:

- Providing information. Virtually all the information provided explicitly teaching aids, books, videos, computer programs.

- Guiding the learning of students, instruct. Help organize information, to link knowledge, create new knowledge and apply ... It's what makes a textbook for example.

- Exercise skills training. For example, a computer program that requires a certain psychomotor response to its users.

- motivate, arouse and maintain interest. A good educational material should always be motivating for students.

- Assess the knowledge and skills you have, as do the questions from textbooks or software.

Correcting students' mistakes are sometimes made explicitly (as in the case of multimedia who monitor the actions of the users) and in other cases it implicit as is the student who realizes their mistakes (as happens for example when interacting with a simulation)

- Provide simulations that offer environments for observation, exploration and experimentation. For example, a flight simulator computer, which helps to understand how to pilot a plane.

- Provide environment for expression and creation. This is the case of word processors or computer graphics publishers.
media classification
From consideration of technological platform which are sustained, teaching aids, and therefore the educational resources in general, are usually classified into three groups:

conventional materials:

- Print (text) books, photocopies, newspapers and documents.
- Boards Teaching: Blackboard, franelograma.
- manipulative materials, cutouts, cardboard.
- Games: architectures, table games.
- Materials Lab.

visual materials:

- projectable Stills (photos): slides, photographs.
- Sound materials (audio) cassettes, CDs, radio programs.
- visual materials (video): audiovisuals, films, videos, television programs.

New technologies:

- Software (CD or online) education: videogames, author languages, learning activities, multimedia presentations, encyclopedias, animations and interactive simulations.
- Telematic services: websites, weblogs, virtual tours, webquests, treasure hunts, email, chats, forums, lessons and courses on-line ...
- TV and interactive video.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

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media use peer

Thanks to advances in technology that gives us the possibility to access to knowledge in an agile and real-time without the barriers of the past, it is urgent that the school opens its doors to modernity articulating their educational content with new forms communication to confirm that education and technology go hand in hand for the benefit of their students.

Something that caught my attention surfing the Internet for material to participate in this blog was "The peer program" sponsored by Microsoft. Is to implement a model of continuous teacher training in integrating technology into curriculum development.

This training proposal is to prepare teacher leaders to be able to work collaboratively on educational projects with their colleagues, helping them identify how technology can enhance the curriculum and improve students' academic performance.

has a tutorial system that promotes the development of an institutional work plan that allows the design of management strategies that promote effective integration of technology into teaching practices.

Entering the following link to find the tabs or options:

Portfolio: This tool allows the advisor to create a Web page you can save resources that are helpful in working with teachers.
These portfolios are available from any computer that allows the advisor to share with colleagues.

Weblessons: A Weblesson is an activity that poses a situation or problem that students must meet with a series of tasks that promote significant learning. These activities are integrated into the curriculum and enhance the use of technology. Working in a
Weblesson, students looking for resources, interactive tools and perform tasks online.
During the process of resolving the problem or situation, students develop their creativity and critical thinking. This allows them to discern, make judgments and decisions about resources and content to use.

Success Stories: These articles were written by the facilitators and advisors to the Peer Coaching program in order to share with other teachers their experiences, achievements and best practices.

advisor Tools: The tools found on these pages offer a variety of resources consultants to support teachers in the use and integration of technology. among others are: • Best practices
• planning tools.
• teaching and learning tools
• Research tools.
• Learning Communities.
• Teacher training.

believe that these tools facilitate the work of teachers to the extent that this is put in tune with technology and achieve a high level of knowledge in the use thereof. Finally we must stress that technology alone does not educate, it is necessary to coordinate all actors participate in the teaching-learning process.

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The WebQuest as an educational medium:

The Webquest, can be defined as a teaching strategy, Internet technology. According to Wikipedia, the WebQuest is a guided search method, in which almost all resources used from the Web. By using this tool, students learn to learn to make the research process, with a guide who can guide you.

Some outstanding features of this tool for teaching and learning are:

• A space for active participation of students, by providing an appropriate environment for achieving the educational objectives.
• is a tool of teaching, using innovative teaching strategies, through a directed study methodology where a guide-prepared material by the teacher-specified, tasks and activities that the student must perform.
• is evaluated at the previously established criteria to be considered for assessing learning.

is one of the essential support tools that teachers can use, especially when considering features such as asynchrony. It is important to have clear purpose of its use, the instructions for the development of tasks and activities, quality of resources used and the evaluation criteria.
On the other hand, the use of resources such as PHP in the development and publication of Webquest offers teachers the ability to create dynamic content and applications in a simple, friendly and intuitive. This is very important because we know that not all teachers have knowledge of programming, however, this type of facility the teacher performs a simple as providing general information about the WebQuest, choose the format, enter the information for each 6 parts of the WebQuest (introduction, task, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion), to include other media such as images, etc.

Blogs and blog

A blog is a resource that allows a person or group, or organization to express their ideas and chronological immediately by sending of items remaining recorded in an ad-hoc page. The blog is a suitable tool for carrying out these activities.

The characteristic features of this tool are:
• Harnessing collective intelligence. Such tools provide interactive services on network and give users (eg students and teachers) to participate in a common project, drawing on the contributions of each participant.
• The user participation. Users (eg students) are free to participate at any time (within a certain range of time indicated by the teacher).
• Construction voluntary and cooperative. By giving freely their contribution, the participants cooperate and contribute to the social construction of knowledge.
• The constructivist approach. Participants are involved in the construction of knowledge because they are the protagonists and also learn by making use of the log.
• The teaching resources. This type of tool encourages the development of lifelong self-learning using the tools we offer, solving real problems in collaborative environments and motivators.
• The social character. The blogs encourage student participation and communication among themselves and with the teacher, building the knowledge and benefit the entire virtual community.
• The amendment of the information, which enables the teacher (administrator) to add, modify, customize and improve the information presented.


UNAD, Diploma - Tools telematic, 2008.

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To participate in the SIC (information society and knowledge) is necessary for both teachers and students should be digitally literate. In education, new technologies have made inroads in an overwhelming and this is where the teacher must begin to innovate and create opportunities for learning as a tool having the ICT. I am a fully convinced of the constructivist theory is the epistemological foundation of ICT in the learning of our students. It is from this theory through ICT and the excellent implementation of teacher-student begins the learning to learn, the role of the student changes completely, gaining autonomy, and so customizing your workflow after socialize with digital publishing . Importantly, the socialization that makes the student through digital publication as this will be aware that is part of the solution and / or question posed by a specific situation where you will change and transform situations and do participate in a democracy. Given all this then let us highlight that digital literacy and knowledge to use and manage technology means it is a relevant factor in the SIC.

I share the following video we can draw several lessons here and there a phrase that says the blunt end "technology does not ask permission ..."

The video is owned by newort martketing, it returned to use as a teaching tool. And as you will realize there are truths and realities quite strong. Hear your comments.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Does A D&c Take Out Fibroids

educational use

We have seen through of the reading and our teaching practice that ICT `s are very efficient tools in the teaching-learning process. That
provided when used with a clear objective to help fulfill their role in the teaching-learning process. Teachers must be at the forefront of the same to keep up with and able to "compete" with our students. Regards Ruth

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What's A Good Birthday Present For A Goth

media Learning Objects

digital options to meet various instructional objectives.

According to IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.), a Learning Object is: "Any digital or other entity that can be used, re-used or referred to learning supported by technology. " Simply put, a learning object is a set of resources, tools and even computer programs that have been articulated in a structure with a specific intent to teach something. The particularity with the elements of this structure is that it can be disaggregated and placed in new combinations to form different units and deal with them new learning needs.

According to Mason, Pegler and Weller (2003) a LO is "a digital piece of learning material that addresses a a clearly identifiable topic or learning output and has the potential to be reused in different contexts. "
The following diagram illustrates what we have just stated:

Suppose you as a teacher has created and used a simulator to teach students the Molecular Theory (OA2) and on the other side has a video that refers to the behavior of the molecules of air (OA3), but its claim now is to get their students to learn about global warming phenomenon, then find a resource (for example, a presentation in Power Point) (OA1), which articulates with the other two and gets a new "discourse", other, broader, and designed to meet a new need for learning, ie, a new learning object (OA4).

In the field of teaching, the idea is that we, the teachers, we can create reusable educational components, so that learning objects would be small digital modules, articulated in different ways, can be reused different learning contexts.


The OA are not resources isolated, have internal structure and attributes specific to them to interact with others in varied learning environments - learning are easy to locate, store, share and use.

For text files, pictures, videos, photos, animations and other digital resources can be considered learning objects should be:

· Reusable. Ie must be modular, having a strong and consistent internal structure, so that they can be used, together with others to serve as a base or other source component. They must also have a technology and necessary components to be included in various applications.

· Approaches. What it means to be allowed to be organized, cataloged and indexed so they can be located and retrieved more efficiently, using metadata standards schemes.

• Interoperability. Can be operated from different platforms of hardware and software.

· Portable. May move and lodge in different platforms in a transparent manner, without any change in structure or content.

· Durable. Must remain intact to updated software and hardware.

To achieve the reuse of OA, it is required to have a design, development and documentation to ensure a high level of product quality in itself and it can easily interact with others.

Given the modularity of OA and its independence from other resources, their use in different applications is one of its advantages, avoiding duplication of efforts for the development of content. The reuse of a content increases its value and produces savings in different ways, institutional or individual level. The huge potential of reusing the OA is able to use the content they have developed others to form new resources.

When we talk about metadata we mean the set of data to be attached to each OA indicating the source from which the information was preliminary, subject or content which relates the potential profits that can be given, its location and the software on which is mounted, in short, metadata is data that "speaks" of the data contained in the OA.


The first and most notable advantage of OA is their reusability. If it exists, for example, an excellent video in which an experiment is recorded chemistry, another teacher who faces the same subject or another may use it without additional re-incur the costs and efforts to re-do the same video.

"For reuse and to achieve other attributes described, it is necessary that the learning object has the metadata that enable them to be identified, organized and retrieved, among other aspects such as categorization and pedagogical qualification object, but more important is that these are based on a metadata standard to ensure compatibility and interoperability with the system that can reuse them (Lopez, Garcia & Pernías, 2005), whether these learning platforms and repositories to share content. " [1]
allocated to the OA advantage is the reduction in development costs the same, because as mentioned, it is not necessary to incur expenditure on new time and money to produce what has already been produced and tested with success in other learning contexts. And
Reusability also derived from the time the economy arises because if you do not need to re-produce what has already occurred, the time it takes to prepare a new OA is much less than that would start from scratch.

In addition, the flexibility or, in other words the ability of OA to link up with others in a new structure with different learning objectives can be referenced as a property and also an advantage of learning objects that Anatomic joins her that makes them compatible with different subjects in different learning processes. It is therefore essential that every modular form, ie, each OA specify which aims to develop skills in students.


Anything can be the object of learning, provided that the teacher will give the meaning or learning objective. A photograph, a digital document, a picture can be a learning object. If after taking a picture and we will place a text alluding to what shows will be objects of information, which may represent processes, procedures or establish certain concepts. And what is formally called learning object is an object of information that is given a learning objective, if you have multiple learning objects, they can raise and train a unit of the syllabus and build units course.

Today, the Web 2.0 space is like a wealth of technological Construction of Learning Objects as it allows to incorporate different kinds of resources (Wikis, Blogs, Pod Cast, multimedia, etc.) that are online available to teachers anxious to believe in the benefits of OA to achieve learning more efficient.

The future is not yet clear, but there is great expectation that the OA revolutionize education systems. Therefore it is necessary to organize and locate OA repositories compatible standards endowed with different platforms and recognized unanimously by the users who put in a position to be exploited properly. A key requirement is to access them.

For access, organization and reuse, OA being discharged into containers called Learning Object Repositories, which allow applications, existing and future content removed and transported for modification and reuse. This will benefit teachers, students and designers, but also be an important support for the automatic exchange of content between systems, a context for learning or other contexts that may require them.

[1] # 34r