Some distance theories that emphasize the use of the media (ICTs)
integrative theory or didactic dialogue mediated
Basa its proposal in communication through the media that when it comes to materials, relies on self-study when it comes to communication channels in the vertical and horizontal interaction: teacher-student and student-student. Who has raised
this proposal Aretio Lorenzo Garcia, who stated that dialogue is not mediated learning rather than didactic two-way interaction between two entities in store geographically and, possibly, in time, established through means made up of materials produced and for a few roads that allow synchronous or asynchronous connection. Dialogue
simulated and asynchronous learning: self-study is presented-by or in relation to instructional materials. The student acts autonomously and independently with the material that the teacher (institution) has been prepared. Requires preparation of material for self learning.
real dialogue didactic synchronous or asynchronous, is the feedback or reinforcement, which comes through channels or communication channels. Is real and lies in vertical reinforcement (teacher-student) for achieving learning objectives. Therefore demand the availability of channels or permanent channels of communication open and available to students and teachers to real interaction and synchronous or asynchronous. According to Garcia Aretio
, the objective of EAD system should be to facilitate effective dialogue mediated learning between the teacher (institution) and the distance learner to learn it independently independent. It is therefore the responsibility of the teacher (institution) at a distance, design, produce materials, tutors and interact with students, promoting flexible learning, autonomous and independent individual or cooperative.
Theory of equivalence or emergency American, Michael Simonson
This theory is the following statement, which focuses the objective of any system of EAD: So that distance education is successful, your application must provide distant students learning experiences equivalent to those of local students to achieve learning outcomes also equivalent (Simonson, Samaldino, Albright and Zvacek, 2002 p.46) above regardless of applied instructional design and learning environments are different for both groups.
addition, these authors report that they should consider the following requirements for an equivalent education: A learning experience is anything to facilitate learning including what is seen, felt, heard or done. For example, if library resources are important for a correspondence course, then those resources must be available to all students, accessible either by mail or by regular mail channeled loan.
EAD A system implies that the experiences student learning or classroom distance learning, show equivalent values, but these experiences are different or developed in different environments. (García Aretio), that if, subject to achieve the same learning objectives. It also requires proper implementation of instructional designs that exploit the use of telecommunications technology and computer science, and facilitate the accomplishment of learning events of equal value to all students.
To implement this theory of equivalence, the distance educator is responsible for design proposals and instructional activities that provide learning experiences of equal value to all students (García Aretio)
Biliografía, Diploma virtual tutor, tutorial Accompaniment EDA, UNAD.2008.
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