Monday, April 18, 2011

Symphonic Metal Birthday Song

bird that fouls its own nest

Garret Hardin
In my reading of this last weekend I found two very similar versions of this expression. This is why I made a mental note and motivate me to write about it. The truth is that despite their close linguistic, were used with a very different meaning.

The first time was on Saturday, reading the last volume of the Complete Works of Juan Goytisolo just removed Readers Circle - Galaxia Gutenberg. In this book, one chapter is titled exactly that way by the author: " bird that fouls its own nest ."

In the introduction to this chapter, which explains the origin of each of the texts that comprise it recognizes Goytisolo have taken this expression from its use in German. In his case discovered in a conversation with Gunter Grass , even though he later used to refer to the German author in the presentation of his work: " is a long story short." According

seems, is used in Germany and Austria the term " Nestbeschmutzer " (a bird that fouls its own nest) to refer to writers and intellectuals who dirty "nest" speech and writing against the official culture of his country, and However, it seems, when they insist to continue uncovering the Nazi traces its history.

The second time I came across this speech was read on the internet, the lazy Sunday afternoon (one of those readings that you know where to start but never where you end), an article in 1968. Yes, sometimes real treasures are discovered by accident.

The article in question was titled in his English original "The Tragedy of Commons ( The tragedy of the commons ), and was published in the journal Science. Then I saw that is considered, quite rightly, "a seminal text," ie, a thesis article lit the fuse on a rich and lengthy debate, and that as far as I'm concerned, arrives today.

This article speaks of man, as you will see, with a completely different meaning than in Goytisolo, like a bird that lives fouling his own nest. The tragedy of mankind, says Garrett Hardin the author, who has always found it more profitable to fully exploit common resources and not worry while expelling waste generated back to the common costs that asunmir leave everything as it was after use. Forests, oceans, atmosphere, have been treated like trash while there has been a public and a law that imposes prohibitions, compensation, restoration, etc.

What man has made so far is producing goods using resources without control, then dispose of wastes by throwing them out of the nest. Or so I thought, because the truth is that there are more nest than Earth, and waste contaminants that we pull for many years by the board only under of our carpet. Some would like to think that the radioactive drums thrown into the Atlantic Ocean until the early eighties are gone, but there are still, under the carpet one day give us a scare.

What once was immeasurable, it is now well finite. Neither planet has inexhaustible resources or have the trap door trigger to get rid of what you do not want.

I have to say I like being a bird that fouls its own nest when paging is true to the four winds dirtying the conscience of those who do not want to hear. And I have to say we should stop acting like bird that fouls its own nest when what we are doing is digging our own grave as a species.


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