Saturday, December 25, 2010

To The Best Of Our Ability Mold Texas

In my opinion, life is like a game tennis. No matter if you have a match point against. The important thing is to play every ball as if it were new, without thinking about the previous game balls and balls without thinking about the next game.

Make every ball count.

The ball can come in either given or bad because we can come to the right or the reverse, but the ones who decide how we are going to hit just us.

rival Forget, forget the public and simply know yourself. Know your weaknesses and strengths, your belief system and values, and perfect what you need to hit the ball just the way you want.

you going to be a returner ball? Are you going to adjust to the lines? Will you make left or going to hit hard? Are you going to go to the net to make a volley? Are you going to throw left, right or center? Or just going to let the ball pass by hoping that is going to go long?

The meaning of life is reduced to just answer the question: how want to hit the ball?



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