Monday, January 3, 2011

What Does A Son Say At 50th Wedding Anniversary

The Revolution (1) Hit the ball

Following metaphors, Revolution is like washing dishes after a dinner at home:

  1. all know that something is rotten we have to clean.

  2. the end, more or less effort, we will succeed. There is no alternative, however, the grime thinks so because we've been letting procrastination gain ground.

  3. There is always someone who has to take the initiative and there is always Majete quiet in his chair, waiting someone else to do the job.

  4. If we clean together, will end soon.

As I said Javier Malonda , 2010 was the year that showed that thanks to Internet , we organize ourselves and defend ourselves better and achieve a force unexpected.

2011 will, perhaps, the year we reach critical mass , the year of global awareness.

Inevitably, then, the year of Revolution.

Tic tac, tic tac.


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