has begun a new year, and although it is ultimately at the end of a convention, it is inevitable at this time meditating on the passage of time. In my case, even more because I just started what will be the last of my forties. But I get along well. A few days more than others: I'm still young.
not want to talk about personal issues, although many have told me that this blog is a very personal, but of thoughts that may apply to everyone. In this case, reflections on technology, or rather on the transformation that the use of new communication technologies is operating in us.
few days ago I came across twitter a reference to an article in a little over a year entitled What Internet is doing to our brains? . This is an entry from Manuel Gross on his blog "Thinking Imaginactivo" which translates article Nicholas Carr "The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google" , published in 2008 .
I so clearly saw two years ago Nicholas Carr, is what I'm living on my own meat now. I'm not, far from the prototype of homo tecnologicus beginning to abound these days, but I'm more technologized that la media de los de mi generación. Uso mucho internet: recibo varias decenas de correos al día en varias cuentas, leo unos pocos blogs, utilizo facebook, twitter, etc, etc.
La cuestión es que me está ocurriendo, como al mismo N. Carr cuando dice: "lo que la Red parece estar haciendo es socavar mi capacidad de concentración y contemplación. Mi mente espera ahora captar la información del modo en que la Red la distribuye: en una corriente de partículas en rápido movimiento. En un tiempo fui un submarinista en el mar de palabras. Ahora me deslizo por la superficie como un tipo en una moto acuática".
Es decir, leo cada vez más, profundizo cada vez menos. Y eso, I think, is happening to everyone. We are becoming more shallow by dint of trying too many things at once. We try to check email while watching a video. Or read a blog entry while we cover the news in facebook or twitter. We get too many proposals and are unable to respond adequately to all. In fact, what moves us today, tomorrow we have already forgotten. For example, a month ago all "were to death" with the Polisario and the Sahrawi, "and you remember them?. And so a thousand things. The news flow too fast. Using the term used a decade ago Alfons Cornella, we "infoxicados" , enfermos por exceso de información. Y eso nos está haciendo perder capacidad de concentración, de profundización y de análisis.
Como dice de nuevo N. Carr: "pudiéramos estar leyendo más hoy que en los años setenta u ochenta, cuando la televisión era nuestro medio preferido. Pero es un tipo distinto de lectura y detrás de él hay un tipo distinto de pensamiento, tal vez incluso un nuevo sentido del ser. No sólo somos lo que leemos, (...) somos cómo leemos."
A pesar de mi prevención, no tengo remedio: he añadido recientemente otra nuevo gadget tecnológico a mi arsenal, y la verdad es que estoy dándole bastante uso en estos días. This is an electronic book reader, an ereader (specifically: Avant model of bq).
In order to get another perspective of time I just downloaded the book entitled Stephen Hawking " History of Time" . I'll see if I can clarify this issue before completely losing the ability to deepen and analysis.
PS: I offer the song has nothing to do with the universal time step but only with the personnel over time, in fact, the only one that matters.
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