Sunday, January 30, 2011

Legal To Grill On Pontoon

are the minds of those who tried to save. But until we do, continue to be part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of them are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so familiar, so utterly dependent system, they would fight to protect it.

Morpheus in Matrix

Yes, we also try to save even those pre menopausal trippers who believe that having a 4x4 plates can drive on ice without putting chains.

(Seen this morning at the Puerto de los Leones)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Macaron Cookies For Sale

The affair Vigalondo

notice that ... I'm a little fart! 14 hours ago

@ Vigalondo Close twitter, facebook and keep the phone before you do something you might regret tomorrow. 14 hours ago

Now I have more than fifty thousand followers and I have taken four wines I can say my message: The Holocaust was a montage! 14 hours ago

@ @ elmundotoday Vigalondo molado anything that has not, I leave to continue
13 hours ago

I have something more to tell. The magic bullet that killed Kennedy still has not landed! 13 hours ago

@ Vigalondo not play with depending on situations. He has had no grace. In fact, nothing read more I think you're a jerk. 13 hours ago

Ah, the tweet of the Holocaust has been a first-detected asshole! 13 hours ago

@ Vigalondo I follow since I use Twitter, I admire you, well invite you to taste a wine, but what a crap about the Holocaust tasteless
13 hours ago

if Twitter a joke at the expense of Holocaust lose a jug of followers with no sense of humor. I recommend it as the Final Solution. 12 hours ago

@ Vigalondo there are some issues on which it is best not to joke: those that make people or part of them as the religion
12 hours ago

What was the film that Spielberg? Ah, yes ... Judaic Park. 12 hours ago

@ Vigalondo surely you told to go and make a funny drunk but tomorrow when you wake up you'll notice the shit .. xD 12 hours ago

How Spielberg's movie called ... Ah, yes, "and the Furious." 12 hours ago

Avispray @ Vigalondo
worst thing is that you would not have their noses to tell a relative of the Holocaust. Jerk and coward. IF you happen to you ... 12 hours ago

decorated the walls with paintings by Degas. 12 hours ago

Vigalondo @ The problem of the Holocaust not because he is an idiot, it simply lacks
readings 12 hours ago

"Children's Pajamas Day Out Stripes "11 hours ago

@ @ Vigalondo alberto_alv_fer Si hubiera seguido al tonto este lo dejaría de seguir, pero que lástima que no tengo ni idea de quien es xD
11 hours ago

11 hours ago

@Vigalondo es una pena de verdad,lo de esta noche no tiene nombre,no mereces el respeto de mucha gente!k poca educacion has tenido
11 hours ago

No me lo había pasado tan bien desde el 94.
11 hours ago

@Vigalondo la broma se t fue d las manos.. Mañana sereno q remember we own d our silences, and prisoners of our words
11 hours ago

What was Spielberg's film ... "Anna Frank's Catch Me If You Can"
11 hours ago

mocks @ PQ "Vigalondo Holocaust, the Final Solution n6u4EW and gas chambers? 11 hours ago

Best of all, esq Vigalondo @ q only RT to mess with the angry
10 hours ago

Hey, it was a joke, eh. 8 hours ago

Vigalondo Chronicle
ALL THIS @ GloriaVipri
7 hours ago

* * *

So much has happened. By now you have an opinion on this matter. Then copy / graze of a blogger, Caco Manrique, reflecting what I think of this type of situation regarding buenrollismo, self-censorship and poses: Holocaust


write this when they have spent a few hours Nacho Vigalondo, in your twitter profile to write the following tweet:

"Now I have more than fifty thousand followers and I have taken four wines I can say my message: The Holocaust was a montage!"

Then everyone will began to take over, have joked about something as serious as the Holocaust, in which six million Jews were killed.

personally believe that there is no reason to be shocked. It is not right to laugh at misfortunes of others and less of misfortunes of these dimensions, but is one who thinks the Holocaust is laughing is running on a very basic reading level.

Nacho Vigalondo is a filmmaker who is making a movie, it is well known for his humorous vein beyond these data is not very different from you and me. Will your mortgage, their problems and small pleasures of everyday life.

Since it is not a politician or a preacher, nor a seer, with four pieces of information that we know of his life, we can say with absolute certainty that Nacho Vigalondo was not a Twitter account in which he wrote over the years with the only goal of reaching 50 000 fans have to say that the Holocaust was a hoax.

And that is the core of the joke to think that someone, anyone, could have spent four years writing tweets in an effort to gather followers to reveal a truth that ridiculous. The more absurd was the truth, more fun in your tweet. Could have chosen "The 11-M was staged," Aznar has toupee "," I am the bastard son of the King "or" The little green men watching us. " Without a doubt, "The Holocaust was staged" stands out as among the other nonsense, because it is assumed that ordinary Twitter users know the historical fact and treat it as something true.

Therefore, when he ridicules himself to make a joke, pretending to be someone who denies the Holocaust, is laughing straight to the people who deny and those who may believe it was staged. Because therein lies

grace: no one would take such comments seriously.

And yet happened.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Lab 4 Carolina Biological Supply Company

"Ask and you shall receive, seek and find, knock and it shall be opened.

For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. "Matthew 7:7-8

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Superman Or Spiderman Wrestling Singlet

Search You are your universe

Re-Tweeted From

Of all the lessons that my father has repeated to me throughout my life, one of the first that I remember and that most struck me was: "In this life, most importantly me. If I am not happy, how happy I'll make those around me? ".

That made sense to me, but still felt that the stone shows some songs that round. Is not that teaching was perhaps selfish? If I was the most important, where were the others? The times in my life branded selfish did not do much to make me see the light. It took many years until I could complete the whole picture.

"An egoist is someone who thinks more of himself than me"-Ambrose Bierce

NLP studies the structure of subjective experience. Part of the assumption that there is no objective experience for the simple reason that there is no objective observer. In a subjective experience, the individual is the center of everything.

When I discovered this approach, I quickly realized that is very similar to the teaching of my father. A human discipline endorse what my father told me encouraged me to explore those arrows I thought selfish.

The teacher soon we explain that everything we do is by and for ourselves, while he urged us to stop deluding and accept that truth. With a little reflection, I finally dispel my doubts. "In my life, the most important thing I am."

The universe in which you live, yours, is not transferable, and also differs from all other existing universes. That universe is composed of your own perceptions, processed, filtered and projected outward. You live in your own reality, your own personal copy of the Universe. Values, beliefs, personal experiences and many other filters at play are what create the reality in which you move. Attract into your life who represent aspects of your being found in the shadow of Jung. Smile, because everywhere you look, you're seeing .

What is important in your own universe?

most important thing in your whole universe is what is happening here and now. From a subjective perspective, beyond your perceptions soup there is only one chance. You can think of anything beyond the limits of this field, and you're just imagining, projecting. When you remember, recreate the past in the present moment. When you imagine the future, you create the future in the present moment. All that exists is the eternal present. And that is precisely what you should take care.

The concern is, in most cases sterile. If you can solve, do it. If you can not resolve, let it be. Worry is that, pre-occupied. Deal in advance. We spend our lives concerned, engaged in imagining what might have been or what might be. We waste huge amounts of energy in these conflicts. And as we do, we miss what is happening here and now before us, what really concerns us .

"Life is what happens while you're making other plans"-John Lennon

Within present moment, and from the subjective point of view, things are naturally organized in terms of their closeness. You are the center of everything, all your experience revolves around you. The most important thing is you and what you feel. Then there is what you can touch and operate, and finally what is left of your experience even beyond your physical reach. Besides soup, there is only one chance.

If adopted this perspective, I will become a selfish pig? Well, that depends on you. What kind of experience you want to live? What do you want to create for you? Want a universe in which others feel unhappy and unhappy or want a world in which others feel happy and content? Decide what you want and then takes the necessary steps to create it. In any case, your experience and you are creating for you. Others are simply invited to your world. You could choose to break things and hurt others, but what kind of experience you would be creating? What are the foreseeable consequences? Everything you do, every thought even, gives results back as if the outside return our own echoes. The experience of life is total freedom, and you decide how to use that freedom. There are neither good nor bad, just your complete freedom act as you think appropriate in light of the results you want to accomplish, the universe we want to live.

You may think that this is not true, that life is an objective experience, which is absurdly obvious that this view is nonsense. That there are good and bad, which are clearly defined and lines of action are apparent. I invite you to consider this idea that I present, to explore that, and you experiment with it.

In a very deep level, your universe is a reflection of who you are. Are you afraid to experiment? What are you afraid? Do anything yourself? Cheer

. Therein lies a world of possibilities.

And remember what Buddha said:

"If you're afraid, you're wrong"-Buddha

(As I am a plunderer of tombs and repost this article from Javier Malonda, if you like You can go to your page and make a donation ).

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Minute Maid The Best There Is

For what

"Working to establish a more comfortable style of survival [...] has become increasingly important, not only was an achievement, but has become a reason for being. Gradually, methodically, we forgotten and what was our original question ... We have forgotten that we do not know to survive. "

James Redfield, The Celestine Prophecy

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Best Place Gay Men Live

Time passes ... (We're getting old) Old and new beliefs

has begun a new year, and although it is ultimately at the end of a convention, it is inevitable at this time meditating on the passage of time. In my case, even more because I just started what will be the last of my forties. But I get along well. A few days more than others: I'm still young.

not want to talk about personal issues, although many have told me that this blog is a very personal, but of thoughts that may apply to everyone. In this case, reflections on technology, or rather on the transformation that the use of new communication technologies is operating in us.

few days ago I came across twitter a reference to an article in a little over a year entitled What Internet is doing to our brains? . This is an entry from Manuel Gross on his blog "Thinking Imaginactivo" which translates article Nicholas Carr "The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, from Edison to Google" , published in 2008 .

I so clearly saw two years ago Nicholas Carr, is what I'm living on my own meat now. I'm not, far from the prototype of homo tecnologicus beginning to abound these days, but I'm more technologized that la media de los de mi generación. Uso mucho internet: recibo varias decenas de correos al día en varias cuentas, leo unos pocos blogs, utilizo facebook, twitter, etc, etc.

La cuestión es que me está ocurriendo, como al mismo N. Carr cuando dice: "lo que la Red parece estar haciendo es socavar mi capacidad de concentración y contemplación. Mi mente espera ahora captar la información del modo en que la Red la distribuye: en una corriente de partículas en rápido movimiento. En un tiempo fui un submarinista en el mar de palabras. Ahora me deslizo por la superficie como un tipo en una moto acuática".

Es decir, leo cada vez más, profundizo cada vez menos. Y eso, I think, is happening to everyone. We are becoming more shallow by dint of trying too many things at once. We try to check email while watching a video. Or read a blog entry while we cover the news in facebook or twitter. We get too many proposals and are unable to respond adequately to all. In fact, what moves us today, tomorrow we have already forgotten. For example, a month ago all "were to death" with the Polisario and the Sahrawi, "and you remember them?. And so a thousand things. The news flow too fast. Using the term used a decade ago Alfons Cornella, we "infoxicados" , enfermos por exceso de información. Y eso nos está haciendo perder capacidad de concentración, de profundización y de análisis.

Como dice de nuevo N. Carr: "pudiéramos estar leyendo más hoy que en los años setenta u ochenta, cuando la televisión era nuestro medio preferido. Pero es un tipo distinto de lectura y detrás de él hay un tipo distinto de pensamiento, tal vez incluso un nuevo sentido del ser. No sólo somos lo que leemos, (...) somos cómo leemos."

A pesar de mi prevención, no tengo remedio: he añadido recientemente otra nuevo gadget tecnológico a mi arsenal, y la verdad es que estoy dándole bastante uso en estos días. This is an electronic book reader, an ereader (specifically: Avant model of bq).

In order to get another perspective of time I just downloaded the book entitled Stephen Hawking " History of Time" . I'll see if I can clarify this issue before completely losing the ability to deepen and analysis.

PS: I offer the song has nothing to do with the universal time step but only with the personnel over time, in fact, the only one that matters.

Monday, January 3, 2011

What Does A Son Say At 50th Wedding Anniversary

The Revolution (1) Hit the ball

Following metaphors, Revolution is like washing dishes after a dinner at home:

  1. all know that something is rotten we have to clean.

  2. the end, more or less effort, we will succeed. There is no alternative, however, the grime thinks so because we've been letting procrastination gain ground.

  3. There is always someone who has to take the initiative and there is always Majete quiet in his chair, waiting someone else to do the job.

  4. If we clean together, will end soon.

As I said Javier Malonda , 2010 was the year that showed that thanks to Internet , we organize ourselves and defend ourselves better and achieve a force unexpected.

2011 will, perhaps, the year we reach critical mass , the year of global awareness.

Inevitably, then, the year of Revolution.

Tic tac, tic tac.