You know my fondness for the opposite of my tendency to perceive the duality of things or try to see both sides of the coin. Not in vain several entries in this blog have taken in her degree as a confrontation of terms. Examples are: secularism versus Lacicidad "," "or more More Lyrics Science?" , "Culture and Market " or " Land: love sacred and profane love "(one of the oldest). And more.
The fact is that this game has a different objective examinations in each case. My purpose today is to demonstrate that public and private non- enemies but necessary constituents both a life in freedom.
I recently read the book by the German sociologist Wolfgang Sofsky entitled "Defense private " and agree with him that privacy is the foundation of personal freedom. Without private space can not be freedom. What would be defending when we defend freedom, but the right to be different in our individuality, the right to "our area of \u200b\u200bfreedom, our privacy. This includes the right to organize our lives according to our own desires, habits, beliefs, and do not topemos how far to the right of others.
However I am not anything agree with him when positioned against the aggressor state par excellence of the freedom of individuals. Do not think so. While not the State was for many centuries the greatest enemy of freedom, I believe that today is a necessary guarantor of freedom of the individual against another attacker much more dangerous: the Capital.
For example, when talking about free markets, freedom of private initiative as the best law of collective organization, which is really defending is the freedom of capital against individual freedom. When it is said, in line with the liberalism of Adam Smith and modern followers of neoliberalism as Milton Friedman, the interest own selfishness that is in interaction and conflict with the interests of others, is the best means of achieving social balance, which is defending is not nothing but a pecking order.
Investing and sheltered behind their sacrosanct free enterprise, neoliberalism seeks the disappearance of the state as the main obstacle to the course to attain proper balance of capitalist society. But that balance is none other than the maximum concentration in the hands of a few. This was already written 150 years ago.
The defending individual freedom of liberalism is nothing but the freedom of capital to obtain maximum benefit. This is done at the expense and against the person, trampling and destroying any rights, including the right to life, health, employment, housing, a healthy environment, and much more. Because the capital, looking only his own gain, unable even to anticipate their drift, destroys and depletes everything that sustains life on Earth, and heads, and leads us to destruction.
In response, the state and the public, controlling and putting an end to capital, become the only guarantee of real equality of people. It is true that the state can be, and indeed has been traditionally oppressive and invasive of individual privacy. Even more so can be, and is somewhat of today, due to the instruments of information and control, technological and cultural, that it possesses. The key is building a truly democratic state based on participation, equity, justice and ethics. A state endowed with the necessary instruments of control, and now I am referring to instruments of control by the public. A state that guarantees equal opportunities, to promote access to education for all (not just those with means) to protect the public good against private encroachment.
Because I believe in all this is why we always: I have been very jealous of my privacy, I always claimed my right to be different, I have opposed and fought against gregariousness, against the instruments of state control, etc, etc.
But for that very reason: I have banded together to win greater freedom and I associate with those who defend the common good read: public roads, a healthy environment, a living space in my city, sustainable mobility , etc, etc.
And to achieve or defend all that in what I believe, is why to this day, consider it imperative that new men and women with whom I share the same ideas, help clean up politics.
begin within a couple of months at local, sticking our heads in the City, through ECOLO-Córdoba.
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