Monday, March 21, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Taste Of Rot

called "Intervention in Libya? Let

  1. The issue is important and passionate, no doubt. In fact, "progressives" in this country goes disunited: the PSOE, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, and even Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds are in favor of the intervention, the United Left and the Galician Nationalist Bloc are opposed.
  2. The question of military intervention in Libya is among the most complex you can ask an advocate of peace, human rights, democracy and the thousand other things that men and women share as well. It is complex because underneath as often in so many difficult ethical issues, which is behind the conflict between ends and means.
  3. almost certainly that most of you reading this blog agrees considered Gaddafi a satrap and a half-mad dictator who is doing great harm to his people. Moreover, tod @ s we know that has gotten where he is, and above all that has been there, and welcome the support of Western countries while this has been the best choice for your interest.
  4. Many other countries in situations similar to the current western Libya where you are not posing in any way the intervention. Without going too far, Yemen and Bahrain for example. Why not clean satraps western countries? No doubt there are spurious interests after the election.
  5. seems that the "rebellion of the Libyan people" lacks some qualities of those that have enjoyed other rebellions like Tunisia or Egypt. In Libya there is a significant dispute between tribes. Behind the uprisings of the Benghazi region has not only been joined by unarmed citizens facebook: no weapons.
  6. A question radically different in the case of Libya compared to other Western interventions in the Arab world (notably, the invasion of Iraq) is the existence now of a UN resolution that authorizes it to intervene on behalf of the defense and security of civilians from the atrocities committed against his people by Gaddafi. How can tick a bombardment by aircraft of civil protest?
  7. The Security Council resolution referred to UN intervention specifically excludes any land in Libya, but how do we know what we end up happening?
  8. Libya has a lot of oil. Do not be influenced that of peak oil in this case? (Rhetorical question, as you see)

Well, again, the issue is very complex.

I, in particular:
- I will not Gaddafi continues massacring its people, or part of
- do not want that Western countries use this crisis for their own interest
- do not want to go to war as an instrument of conflict resolution

Therefore, I positions for the UN resolution and that means supporting airspace block to prevent the actions of the army of Qaddafi, but I am totally against any military action type western offensive, as it seems have begun to produce.

I am sure that in relation to this thorny issue, many of you will have your own different opinion. I would like to share it with me and read this.

PS: added later.

Equo has issued a statement on the intervention in Libya sharing and linking here.


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