Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mysore Mallika Online

The results of the 2011 Municipal LIVE

can follow the partial results of the counts of municipal elections in Alcalá la Real live through the website of the Ministry of Interior:

Friday, May 20, 2011

Watch Mini Series Taken

Ecolo Córdoba complaint with the Board of Elections for a boycott of its central act of campaign

The City removed the scene of the Plaza of the slide, against the agreement for the sale of public spaces

Ecolo Cordoba has condemned this morning before the Electoral Board failure to comply with the rules governing the transfer of public spaces for the election campaign, after verifying the dismantling of the stage set up this morning in the Plaza of the slide and that was to be used in the season finale party. According

the complaint argues, the Electoral Board agreed to the April 29, 2010 to award Ecolo Cordoba Square using the slide for the day May 20, 1919 to 24 hours. This award said quote: "You can use the scenario that can be installed without removing the same" . So the party has demanded Equo Red Electoral Board to require the City of Cordoba remount the stage and impose the appropriate penalty. To Ecolo Córdoba

disassembly stage undermines the political pluralism that it involves a major injury to a political party that, without the economic resources of the major parties has sought to improve the political debate throughout the campaign.

We are people. We are different.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Incredible Light Show Remote Control

Does the youth have?

# nolesvotes

Side Effects Bacterin

# nolesvotes: a responsible vote ballot

This post is a necessary clarification after the constant misinterpretation has arisen # nolesvotes movement, which advocates very active democratic participation.

1 .- OBJECTIVE # NOLESVOTES. People who support the initiative # nolesvotes since its inception, in view of the waterfall of distortions expressed by politicians and media, we want to remember and emphasize that the initiative in no way promotes abstinence, and came to make a call to responsible voting next 22-M. The initiative specifically requested not to vote for parties that respond to different interests of the citizenry: PP, PSOE and CiU, but instead recommended that consideration of other options. The initiative calls for the vote not for any particular option: voting is a responsibility of every citizen.

2 .- YOUR PAGE MAKE A ELECTORAL POSTER. The streets are filled with election posters, but many people are not represented in them: the intermediary that the policy had become increasingly remote from the city. To remedy this democratic deficit, we propose that any citizen who so desires can turn your blog, your website, your wall or twitter in an "election poster" movement. If you want to support this, turn your website in an election poster within 24 hours of the next 20th of May, with the logo of # nolesvotes or sympathize with those platforms, and the words "or PP, or PSOE and CiU. 3 .-

distributed collaboration. We invite you to copy the text and build pages that reference links all the sites that support the initiative. Similarly, we invite other groups that share our proposal to carry out similar actions. The strength of the network lies in the distribution and collaboration between its nodes.

4 .- YOU ARE THE SPEAKER. As important is the network as the street, do not just act on the Internet. Get up and explain it to everyone you know, especially those most vulnerable to propaganda in the mass media. 5 .-

ACTION. not stay at home on Sunday 22. Go out and exercise your right to vote. No votes for who, acting out against the will and interests of citizens, democracy has become a mockery of itself. For active democratic participation, neither PP or PSOE, or CiU.

# nolesvotes

Bloons Pack 3 Level 18 Iphone


  • Occupy educationally and enjoyable leisure time.
  • improve English language skills of the participants.
  • develop sport-specific physical activities in a natural mountain environment.
  • Discover the Mediterranean diet as a source of health and culinary satisfaction.
  • possible an environment where coexistence is practiced, teamwork, mutual support and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
  • Discover the values \u200b\u200bof the Natural Park of Cazorla, Segura y las Villas and attract positive attitudes of care and respect for the environment.

The dates of the camp will be from 24 June to 3 July 2011. There will be a total of 50 seats, which will be occupied by order of arrival, and was allocated 50 seats participants from Alcala la Real.
The participant registration is 350'00 €, but the Hon. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real, cooperates with a grant to each participant with a total of 150'00 € (for participants from Alcalá la Real, with the REGISTRATION WOULD BE 200'00 € for the first 50 registered. The way payment would be: 70'00 € at the time formalize the Pre-registration before the day would be May 31, 2011, and the rest (130'00 €) before June 17, 2011.
Pre-registration Building can be delivered in the Young (C / Cruz del Coto, No. 15), Area Youth the Hon. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real at the same time formalize the registration and for scholarship.
Pre-registration will be in the Youth Building (C / Cruz del Coto, No. 15), Area Youth Hon. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real from 10.00 to 14.00 and from 17.00 to 20.00 hours Monday to Friday.
ages to participate in this camp in the rural English is for children aged between 11 and 15 years of age.

  • traditional pastries (bread making)
  • story workshop
  • Traditional Games Workshop
  • Nutrition Workshop Workshop
  • environmental
  • BTT
  • Route Guidance
  • Arroyo Frio.
  • Life Workshop in Mountain
  • Gymkhanas
  • Bridges
  • Tibetan Initiation
  • Rappelling and Climbing

Monday, May 16, 2011

Product Pins For Club Nintendo

La Tertulia Flamenca brings Esperanza Fernández Processions

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Erythematous-like Syndrome

Campaign Ecolo Cordoba May 2011 - 1st week

Campaign Ecolo Córdoba from May 2011 Córdoba Ecolo on Vimeo .

Is There A Condom Between A Magnum And Regular?

Children Contest XII

For the twelfth year row, the Brotherhood of Stmo. Cristo de la Salud, organized in the afternoon yesterday, the traditional processions Children Competition, an event that has been making a hole in the calendar itself Alcala brother.

As usual, the participation of children was massive, showing year after year that his imagination knows no boundaries and where the younger brothers enjoyed Alcala big, wearing their little processional to non- lacked detail.

After the procession, the Brotherhood of Stmo. Health Christ gave to each of the participants with a diploma and an invitation to a small Placeta refreshment in the San Juan to all attendees.



Saturday, May 14, 2011

David Nevue Free Sheet Music-we Three Kings

Borriquilla The Guild organizes a trip to the Rocio pilgrimage

The Brotherhood of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem (The Borriquilla) is organizing a trip to Huelva Almonte City to attend the procession to the pilgrimage of Virgen del Rocío, the next Sunday 12 June. The tour, which starts from Alcalá la Real, includes bus, breakfast and sandwiches for dinner and has a price of 25 €.

Anyone who wants to join can check and book their place in Footwear ALEX (C / Fernando el Católico) or by phone 639,356,254

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

B4 Delicious Deletion The Sims 2

This is already full, but on the other hand, almost empty

Yes, "this" is the world, and is full because what seemed immense and overwhelming, it has come to be small due to the degree of exploitation and occupation that humanity has been practicing in the last centuries. You could say that every square mile of this planet has already been explored, exploited or dozing, or will be soon, because surely set some time in a financial account of a large multinational, in the section on investment estimates.

whole planet is good. What at first was yearning for exploration and knowledge has been moving toward an abject interest in obtaining maximum benefits. Take the Money and Run seems to be the motto of this system. It is not intended for anything in the future. I do not mean the distant future, but it to the next generation, our children.

Moreover, as stated in the title, the world begins to be empty for this reason. Because seeing as they see it as a commodity, more is less juice to squeeze. The enormous growth of the last century (also from previous but on a smaller scale) has been based on the exploitation of which seemed inexhaustible resource of fossil fuels: coal, oil and natural gas. Formed over millions of years, but we are finishing with them in a couple of centuries. We have already reached or are about to do so, the so-called peak oil . From there everything will be different. Cheap energy is over. How can we keep up this crazy machine running ever faster? Where will we find more wood for the engine?

But we are not only destroying energy. Also marine resources, with fertile soils, with clean water, mineral resources, warming the atmosphere, etc, etc, etc. Some do not want to see, but THIS, SIMPLY CAN NOT BE SO .

I'm pretty awkward to explain all this, but you can find it very clearly explained in the last book of the dead today, unfortunately, Ramón Fernández Durán , and for which I would like to serve this influx of tribute .

Ramón Fernández Durán has been and will always be a leading light in the environmental movement in Spain and one of the authors and most prolific analyst in the same field. During these past weeks had launched a campaign of events dedicated to him and his work throughout the entire territory. The event is the presentation of their latest publications. Tomorrow will be a ceremony here in Cordoba.

I challenge him to read: " The Anthropocene. The expansion of global capitalism clashes with biosphere. " His thesis is that there has been a historical mutation of such magnitude that it is right to mention the beginning of a new geological era: the Anthropocene. "The Anthropocene would be a new era of Earth, as a result the deployment of the agro-industrial urban-global scale, which is given along with a global population growth unparalleled in history. This has acted as a real force with strong geological environmental implications. "

This booklet, 57 pages, is available under Creative Commons license at: / pdf / The% 20antropoceno.pdf . I strongly recommend reading.

The conference tribute to Ramón Fernández Durán will take place tomorrow Wednesday 11 May at 20:00 h. Faculty of Work Sciences . I invite you to attend.

See you on Wednesday. Health and road.

Friday, April 29, 2011

What I Think Of Gam Skates

If you are registered in Madrid, this year you have a political alternative to defend your civil liberties online and participatory democracy advocates.

addition, the candidate is in position # 25 of the lists is a very handsome boy and an influential blogger ... What else can you be? :)

If you've decided this year not going to vote for PPSOE or joke, find your alternative, learn, move and try to change things. Pirate is an option, but there are many. Choose yours.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gumbo Monster Mudder Tires For Sale

At 25 years after Chernobyl, and month and a half Fukushima

25 years after the Chernobyl accident and half months after the tsunami and subsequent Fukushima accidents, it seems pertinent to recall the dream of Akira Kurosawa in 1990 entitled " El Monte Red Fuji. "

That dream has now become the bane of Japan, and perhaps worldwide.

The Chernobyl explosion 25 years ago led to the largest catastrophe in the history of the civil exploitation of nuclear energy. 31 people died at the time of the accident, about 135,000 people were evacuated from the 155,000 km ² affected large areas remain uninhabited subsequent relocation made other 215,000 people.

A large territory of Belarus, Russia and Ukraine has been declared exclusion zone for long. The radioactivity will affect local populations for several generations, and not permanently withdrawn to within 300,000 years.

In Japan, Fukushima accident has now resulted in an exclusion zone of 30 km radius. In this case it is a densely populated territory, in contrast to Chernobyl region.

Slowly, but steadily, regions of the world are dying as a result of our actions.

If we are to have future definitely bury nuclear energy.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Symphonic Metal Birthday Song

bird that fouls its own nest

Garret Hardin
In my reading of this last weekend I found two very similar versions of this expression. This is why I made a mental note and motivate me to write about it. The truth is that despite their close linguistic, were used with a very different meaning.

The first time was on Saturday, reading the last volume of the Complete Works of Juan Goytisolo just removed Readers Circle - Galaxia Gutenberg. In this book, one chapter is titled exactly that way by the author: " bird that fouls its own nest ."

In the introduction to this chapter, which explains the origin of each of the texts that comprise it recognizes Goytisolo have taken this expression from its use in German. In his case discovered in a conversation with Gunter Grass , even though he later used to refer to the German author in the presentation of his work: " is a long story short." According

seems, is used in Germany and Austria the term " Nestbeschmutzer " (a bird that fouls its own nest) to refer to writers and intellectuals who dirty "nest" speech and writing against the official culture of his country, and However, it seems, when they insist to continue uncovering the Nazi traces its history.

The second time I came across this speech was read on the internet, the lazy Sunday afternoon (one of those readings that you know where to start but never where you end), an article in 1968. Yes, sometimes real treasures are discovered by accident.

The article in question was titled in his English original "The Tragedy of Commons ( The tragedy of the commons ), and was published in the journal Science. Then I saw that is considered, quite rightly, "a seminal text," ie, a thesis article lit the fuse on a rich and lengthy debate, and that as far as I'm concerned, arrives today.

This article speaks of man, as you will see, with a completely different meaning than in Goytisolo, like a bird that lives fouling his own nest. The tragedy of mankind, says Garrett Hardin the author, who has always found it more profitable to fully exploit common resources and not worry while expelling waste generated back to the common costs that asunmir leave everything as it was after use. Forests, oceans, atmosphere, have been treated like trash while there has been a public and a law that imposes prohibitions, compensation, restoration, etc.

What man has made so far is producing goods using resources without control, then dispose of wastes by throwing them out of the nest. Or so I thought, because the truth is that there are more nest than Earth, and waste contaminants that we pull for many years by the board only under of our carpet. Some would like to think that the radioactive drums thrown into the Atlantic Ocean until the early eighties are gone, but there are still, under the carpet one day give us a scare.

What once was immeasurable, it is now well finite. Neither planet has inexhaustible resources or have the trap door trigger to get rid of what you do not want.

I have to say I like being a bird that fouls its own nest when paging is true to the four winds dirtying the conscience of those who do not want to hear. And I have to say we should stop acting like bird that fouls its own nest when what we are doing is digging our own grave as a species.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Periods More Frequent With Endometriosis

80 years ago today: a big change

Today exactly 80 years ago were held municipal elections in Spain. Behind them, and because of the overwhelming result contrary to the Bourbon regime, Admiral Aznar, past president of government of the monarchy, resigned. Two days later, on Tuesday, April 14 , would be proclaimed the Second English Republic, going away to exile the king Alfonso XIII that night.

This Second English Republic, as well as occurred at the time with the First, established back in 1873 (several years after the revolution of 68 known as "The Glorious "), would bring a fresh and intense air of freedom to English society, and this air, a new conception of political order based on the following principles:
- universal suffrage, now including women
- Elimination of the privileges of class and social differences attenuation (Agrarian Reform included).
- High confidence in the value of Culture and Public Education, and a strong commitment to its universal extension.
- Radical separation between church and state, and secularization of intellectual and moral life.
- Increased weight of local councils in the state structure, management approach to public policy.
- Democratization, in general, of public life.

Within just over a month, held other local teams in this country. I believe I can reach both the outcome of this election to change the current system, but I hope it can become the beginning of a major change, indeed essential, to be produced again in the society or to English.

need a new regeneracionismo built on a rebuilt public confidence in politics. Currently, due to insolence and corruption of most of the political class, this trust does not exist. It is true that politics is about people's problems and possibilities for improvement and change things that affect them, but that's not what they perceive the majority of citizens. In fact, as I noted in a previous entry in this blog , the image people have of politicians can hardly be more negative.

To produce the regeneration of political life need new people with new ideas begin to practice a new policy, politics to be based nearby, in the democratization, transparency, equity and the surrender of eternal professionalism. New people to address the search for the appropriate response from management to the very important policy issues that really are affecting the citizens and their expectations for a possible future, and that is caused by the global crisis, namely the economic crisis social and ecological system.

How many of you have ceased to participate in elections because considerais useless to really change your life? Enough, I know. I intend to believe again that it is possible to change things. Only is necessary to get to.

Next May 22 is the date. If you decide to participate in the election of councilors, remember that this is not the least bad choice, it is believed that one can begin to change policy. Remember also that it is not just a ballot, is a project that calls for our involvement.

Finally, on Sunday May 22, remember that the road is starting to walk.

Health & Republic (the 3rd).

Himno de Riego

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blue Book For Shot Guns

Habemus Indignáos

The main reason for the resistance was the outrage. We veterans of the resistance movements and fighting forces of Free France, we call on the young generation live and pass on the legacy of the Resistance and its ideals. We say: take over, indignaos! Policy makers, economic and intellectual, and the whole of society should not resign or be impressed by the current dictatorship of financial markets which threatens peace and democracy.

I wish you all, each one of you, that you have your reason for outrage. Is precious. When something we are outraged, outraged me as Nazism, we become militant, strong and committed.

we find ourselves with this tide of history, and the great tide of history should be pursued by everyone. Stéphane

Hessel (Indignez-vous)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What Is All Season Vs Grand Touring?

radical choice

Practicing distracted navigation this vast virtual ocean that is the internet, I found a text of Peter Singer that has aroused considerable interest me. This is an excerpt from his book "Ethics live better" (by the year 1995 in its English edition), specifically Chapter 1 entitled: "radical choice" .

reproduce here part of this text:

(...) Most of the choices we make in our daily lives are restricted, in the sense that they are made from within a framework or set of values. Because I want to stay reasonably fit, I choose to go for a walk rather than stay lying on the couch with a beer and watching television. Since you want to do something to help the conservation of tropical forests, joins an organization dedicated to raising public awareness about the ongoing destruction of forests. Another person wants to make a well-paid and interesting career, so he studied law. In each of these elections, fundamental values \u200b\u200bare taken for granted and the choice is to find the best means to achieve them.

In contrast, the radical choices are those fundamental values \u200b\u200bthat are at stake. Since we do not choose within a framework that assumes that only seek to maximize our interests, or within a framework that assumes that what we consider ethically better. On the contrary, what we do is to choose between possible forms of life: one in which self-interest comes first, or one in which ethics is the most important, or perhaps opt for a compromise between both.

consider ethics and self-interest as two antagonistic approaches because, in my view, are the strongest contenders .(...)"

I think more often than we think (in fact think as they do because it reassures us) we might call radical choices. And is that almost anything we do has connotations affecting everything, since at this point is very clear that everything is interrelated.

When we choose for example to drive to work (often at a distance we could do on foot or by bicycle, or taking a public transportation), we are opting to maintain a level of consumption and occupation of space that we destroyed little by little our habitat.

When we choose to go shopping at a supermarket rather than a small store in our neighborhood, when we choose to purchase lower-priced products without caring or being moved by the way they have been produced or imported , when we choose to buy items or services that are produced by processes known contaminants, when buying products instead of disposable reusable equivalents (of course, with a slight effort on our part) because it is more convenient and because we can afford it, or when we put our savings bank assures us a bit more interest, no matter how dark they carry out transactions with our money when we choose to do each one of those things, we are choosing to maintain the status-quo, the current system of production, destruction and consumption.

better not pretend not to know.

I'm not saying we should be looking at the ground so as not to destroy our tread the life of any ant. I'm not as purist. But I say we must think of the connotations and implications of what we choose to do.

In another vein, and this is what I wanted to reach, is rapidly approaching when we will have to make another one (this itself very clearly) radical choice. Will be to choose the policy that we want to govern our city over the next four years.

I give pause to those who think this election hardly matters. Because although many like to think and shout from the rooftops that "all are equal" is far less certain. Because in relation to politicians: there are terrible, there are very bad, there are bad and less bad, and there are good or very good. Now I could not fail to remember the famous phrase Bertold Brecht on essential.

is not the same as during the next four years we rule in Cordoba Mr. Rafael Gomez, aka Sandokan, which would be terrible, or we govern the PP, PSOE and IU, which would be very bad, bad, or less bad. No, not the same.

And because he is not himself who governs, a group of people, with growing enthusiasm and great spirit, we intend to start changing things from the city of Cordoba.

I'm talking about, as the have guessed most of ECOLO CORDOBA.

Because we believe:
  • in the greening of the economy.
  • the sustainable transformation of the territory.
  • on social equity and rights to tod @ s.
  • in Participation, Transparency and Ethics.
enlazaré here shortly the Electoral progrm that Ecolo Córdoba assembly approved on 12 March.

Sorry that the blog appears to have been politicized (do not do politics so long, really?), But I had to choose between what they do or not do, and what I've done.

Clip On Lip Ring Where Can You Buy One

The effect of the images

These Blogger (Google) we never invent.
I found that have recently implemented some new options for viewing the content of blogs.
can be a game, but can also make faster and more intuitive to visit the blog content through the effect call images.

This is the aspect of this blog by using the flipcard (to flip).

care in the future try to further this purpose the images you use.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Why Does A Throat Hurt

There Can Be Only One

This is too nerdy to be explained, but has its charms, and explains why I've been a month and a half without posting:

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wisdom Teeth Taste Of Rot

called "Intervention in Libya? Let

  1. The issue is important and passionate, no doubt. In fact, "progressives" in this country goes disunited: the PSOE, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, and even Iniciativa per Catalunya Verds are in favor of the intervention, the United Left and the Galician Nationalist Bloc are opposed.
  2. The question of military intervention in Libya is among the most complex you can ask an advocate of peace, human rights, democracy and the thousand other things that men and women share as well. It is complex because underneath as often in so many difficult ethical issues, which is behind the conflict between ends and means.
  3. almost certainly that most of you reading this blog agrees considered Gaddafi a satrap and a half-mad dictator who is doing great harm to his people. Moreover, tod @ s we know that has gotten where he is, and above all that has been there, and welcome the support of Western countries while this has been the best choice for your interest.
  4. Many other countries in situations similar to the current western Libya where you are not posing in any way the intervention. Without going too far, Yemen and Bahrain for example. Why not clean satraps western countries? No doubt there are spurious interests after the election.
  5. seems that the "rebellion of the Libyan people" lacks some qualities of those that have enjoyed other rebellions like Tunisia or Egypt. In Libya there is a significant dispute between tribes. Behind the uprisings of the Benghazi region has not only been joined by unarmed citizens facebook: no weapons.
  6. A question radically different in the case of Libya compared to other Western interventions in the Arab world (notably, the invasion of Iraq) is the existence now of a UN resolution that authorizes it to intervene on behalf of the defense and security of civilians from the atrocities committed against his people by Gaddafi. How can tick a bombardment by aircraft of civil protest?
  7. The Security Council resolution referred to UN intervention specifically excludes any land in Libya, but how do we know what we end up happening?
  8. Libya has a lot of oil. Do not be influenced that of peak oil in this case? (Rhetorical question, as you see)

Well, again, the issue is very complex.

I, in particular:
- I will not Gaddafi continues massacring its people, or part of
- do not want that Western countries use this crisis for their own interest
- do not want to go to war as an instrument of conflict resolution

Therefore, I positions for the UN resolution and that means supporting airspace block to prevent the actions of the army of Qaddafi, but I am totally against any military action type western offensive, as it seems have begun to produce.

I am sure that in relation to this thorny issue, many of you will have your own different opinion. I would like to share it with me and read this.

PS: added later.

Equo has issued a statement on the intervention in Libya sharing and linking here.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Game Wher You Can Be Preg

modern, new

Yes, we are modern. Building a new modernity. Let's shelve definitive values \u200b\u200band mindsets that exist during the last 30 years in Western culture.

Postmodernism had his one. Molona proved to many. After the idealists and radicals 60 and 70 years of the twentieth century, after the disappointment of 80, a Most people settled into a comfortable postmodernity empty of content but full of complacency.

was something that happened in the world, but in Spain, many would blame it practices the government of Felipe Gonzalez, who sits on a pervasive pragmatism would open the doors to the culture of the pitch at first, and a relatively widespread corruption afterwards. Corruption, which to our regret, it has only been a crescendo since then.

Modern and Postmodern
I never felt comfortable in the culture of disenchantment, in that lack of values. Even I liked, I confess, or Madrid nightlife and music, or that aesthetic of tacks, shoulder pads and stiff hair. And not just because I had already begun, at that time, to lose mine.

Insconcientemente on my part, then those eighties were not to my liking. Then I've been becoming aware of why. Had spread among the people of identity left in doubt on the idea of \u200b\u200bprogress. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, a definite bump occurred among those who had always dreamed of a just society and an alternative to capitalism. The message that permeated among young people since then is: if there is no better future, enjoy the present.

But progress is possible. Of course, I am not referring to any kind of growth, not even any 'sustainable development' worth (hardly find another concept so prostituted by use intentions and interests like this).

Several factors have led us to become aware of this impossibility:
  • globalization. It is not physically possible that the entire world population could live while maintaining the standard of living in Western countries.
  • the energy crisis. We are close to reaching peak oil, this means that No more cheap energy and system-wide consumption and sustained mobility on it.
  • finitude of the planet. The Earth always seemed big (although as of today not so much), but the truth is that it has a certain size: it is not infinite. Resources, therefore, are limited.

progress can not therefore be understood hereafter as material growth, and enjoy more objects, more products, more luxuries. There is progress, but fails to strike a new balance with nature and with ourselves.

passes a new economic culture supported the possibility, real, live better with less.

And he goes, especially, by the need to a new political culture built on values \u200b\u200bof ethics, equity, justice and solidarity .

That must be the new currency

Of all depends on building a better world
PS: you can go to Wikipedia to find out which are the modern and postmodernity

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baptism And 1st Birthday Decorations

Public and private and State Privacy

You know my fondness for the opposite of my tendency to perceive the duality of things or try to see both sides of the coin. Not in vain several entries in this blog have taken in her degree as a confrontation of terms. Examples are: secularism versus Lacicidad "," "or more More Lyrics Science?" , "Culture and Market " or " Land: love sacred and profane love "(one of the oldest). And more.

The fact is that this game has a different objective examinations in each case. My purpose today is to demonstrate that public and private non- enemies but necessary constituents both a life in freedom.

I recently read the book by the German sociologist Wolfgang Sofsky entitled "Defense private " and agree with him that privacy is the foundation of personal freedom. Without private space can not be freedom. What would be defending when we defend freedom, but the right to be different in our individuality, the right to "our area of \u200b\u200bfreedom, our privacy. This includes the right to organize our lives according to our own desires, habits, beliefs, and do not topemos how far to the right of others.

However I am not anything agree with him when positioned against the aggressor state par excellence of the freedom of individuals. Do not think so. While not the State was for many centuries the greatest enemy of freedom, I believe that today is a necessary guarantor of freedom of the individual against another attacker much more dangerous: the Capital.

For example, when talking about free markets, freedom of private initiative as the best law of collective organization, which is really defending is the freedom of capital against individual freedom. When it is said, in line with the liberalism of Adam Smith and modern followers of neoliberalism as Milton Friedman, the interest own selfishness that is in interaction and conflict with the interests of others, is the best means of achieving social balance, which is defending is not nothing but a pecking order.

Investing and sheltered behind their sacrosanct free enterprise, neoliberalism seeks the disappearance of the state as the main obstacle to the course to attain proper balance of capitalist society. But that balance is none other than the maximum concentration in the hands of a few. This was already written 150 years ago.

The defending individual freedom of liberalism is nothing but the freedom of capital to obtain maximum benefit. This is done at the expense and against the person, trampling and destroying any rights, including the right to life, health, employment, housing, a healthy environment, and much more. Because the capital, looking only his own gain, unable even to anticipate their drift, destroys and depletes everything that sustains life on Earth, and heads, and leads us to destruction.

In response, the state and the public, controlling and putting an end to capital, become the only guarantee of real equality of people. It is true that the state can be, and indeed has been traditionally oppressive and invasive of individual privacy. Even more so can be, and is somewhat of today, due to the instruments of information and control, technological and cultural, that it possesses. The key is building a truly democratic state based on participation, equity, justice and ethics. A state endowed with the necessary instruments of control, and now I am referring to instruments of control by the public. A state that guarantees equal opportunities, to promote access to education for all (not just those with means) to protect the public good against private encroachment.

Because I believe in all this is why we always: I have been very jealous of my privacy, I always claimed my right to be different, I have opposed and fought against gregariousness, against the instruments of state control, etc, etc.

But for that very reason: I have banded together to win greater freedom and I associate with those who defend the common good read: public roads, a healthy environment, a living space in my city, sustainable mobility , etc, etc.

And to achieve or defend all that in what I believe, is why to this day, consider it imperative that new men and women with whom I share the same ideas, help clean up politics.

begin within a couple of months at local, sticking our heads in the City, through ECOLO-Córdoba.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ontario Id License Template

Chronicle Charity

This has been a difficult week for me, for various reasons, and perhaps a bit late to make a chronicle of what happened on 13 February.

But I prefer not to let the ink remaining in the impressions that I took that day and thinking I've matured.

The first consideration is to Anonymous, a movement began to take shape organically few years ago in the Together, and gradually being introduced in our country.

Who or what is Anonymous? Let's read the Wikipedia:

Anonymous (English: Anonymous) is a term used in two senses. As an internet meme or phenomenon, is the concept of many online community users or the community itself, acting anonymously in a coordinated manner, usually vaguely agreed to a target.

is also a label adopted by groups of people, without a definite organization, which does not belong to any association, but to join the protests and other actions under the name of Anonymous, which is derived the same meme. Generally considered as a term for certain Internet subcultures.

The actions attributed to Anonymous are carried out by unidentified individuals who call themselves Anonymous. After a series of controversies, protests and DDoS attacks in 2008, incidents involving its members are increasingly common. Anonymous

But when he jumped into the international arena was when he recently broke down pages Visa, Mastercard , Amazon and PayPal by distributed denial of service (DDOS) to protest harassment the channels for financing Wikileaks .

So this was my first touchdown on Anonymous, and the first of many, as later, in a demonstration for Julian Assange in the Plaza de Callao , I found some guys with the mask of Guy Fawkes handing out stickers Anonymous self-managed.

Thanks to that contact, I have first hand COUNTRY INFORMATION and how self-Anonymous, in his famous IRC channel, and what was going on in that mind hive, which supposedly makes decisions and decide the following collectively.

In practice, we have here in Spain is a rather chaotic motion, driven mostly by people too young, some of them full of revolutionary ideas, but many others just by desire for power and megalomaniacs. In this sense we can interpret spokesman reported against of or threats Neuro published on his blog (the blog that is a hive) against Nano Anonymous.

Although disappointed by these internal disputes, however I decided to attend the rally that Anonymous had called the day of Goya, but rather than go to the Plaza del Rey (where the municipal authority had ordered relocate concentration), the expression was changed by a concentration of citizens in the same hurdles the Royal Theatre.

February 13 celebrated the "feast" of English cinema, whose only value can be exported image of our cinema to the world, since the ceremony and the awards themselves are nothing but a cock comedura collective, in which nobody really wants to open a productive debate on the future of English cinema.

A English market, certainly, is experiencing one of its lowest moments in our country, but paradoxically we are witnessing a mass exodus directors, directors Photography, composers, technicians, actors and other professionals in the film industry to other countries, especially the United States, where a dry of ideas Hollywood has long since started a estrategegia import talent.

This was, then, the scenario that would develop the show of the Goya. Only a few "rebels" of our film, as the director of the Academy Álex de la Iglesia, and Serna Asumpta and Imanol Arias, gave a show of support to the group of citizens that Sunday was beginning hurdles to concentrate behind the safety device had been assembled for the event.

In the safety device included the presence of private security, as the individual who is seen in the photo below. The blog's author believes was a private security professional for comments he made to his companions and they snapped into a walkie-talkie: "[...] we encountered a group of suspicious-looking individuals in one of the [...]". side fences

Rumors about the presence of infiltrators aborotadores that would burst the merger, was something that had been discussed in social networks and forums in the days prior. But this intimidation, rather than fear, was an incentive for the undecided, and so about 20:00 hours, and with some hesitation, began to hear the first song and the first slogans in front of the Teatro Real.

And it was a success and an example of behavior for all who attended there. Anonymous True silence when some troublemaker advised a slogan that would involve an insult, and when some threw eggs at the attendees at the gala, they were immediately rebuked by anti-slogans.

concentration itself was fairly consistently collected by some independent media. Of course television and traditional media manipulated the information as possible, describing the concentration and an anecdotal note on a great festival of English cinema (in this strategy of manipulation, the organization even placed a row of attendants with umbrellas for Anonymous saliésemos not in the photo of the party). Yet, just needed to see the face of industry professionals coming into the Theatre Royal to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was afoot was: a real pressure cooker of slogans, songs, good cheer and protest against a minister (Ángeles González-Sinde), but especially a law that attacks the freedom of the Net as we know it today.

Sinde-Biden law, a term coined by the binomial González-Sinde (Culture Minister) and U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, is a first step in a roadmap designed from United States, with the connivance of the European Union to end the existing freedom of information Internet today. This roadmap begins with a law permitting the closing of any "website that has caused or is likely to cause property damage", which in practice could close any existing web page: Who has not searched on the Internet any image with which to illustrate a post? Who has not quoted a journalist or media?

This type of crime, which could have made sense when drafting the intellectual property law in our country twenty years ago, have it stop when it comes to Internet, when everyone has returned to normal patterns of behavior and netiquette.

So the second final provision of the law of sustainable economy, commonly known as Sind-Biden bill is so dangerous. It is not just that we stop "getting off" movies and series. This is is an attack on the separation of powers, the first stab at the Internet as we know it, and the first attempt to build an Internet TV like a 2.0.

Citizens do not want Internet is another video on demand. We want the freedom to read and write than the Internet gives us that we have now, freedom of linking and redirect, the liberty of quoting and sharing.

culture industry as we know it must change or die. Should open new markets, new systems of production, distribution and marketing it to reach the millions of people who daily download movies and series, with an adequate supply, would not. Those who govern us will not understand that there is a bigger niche than ever, but the poor and unfortunate supply that exists in this country makes this niche is redirected toward free options.

Sinde law will only create alternative ways to download information, but has breached the public trust to our leaders (officers, ie, politicians, and unofficial communication industries and corporocracias). The people we have been attacked on our freedom, and the manifestation of 13F was the first act of a war that historians will talk tomorrow.

The war for freedom of thought. The war for the freedom of communication. The war will be fought not only in social networks, twitter and facebook, as they believe, but to be a war down the street (as Anonymous boys have shown). A war that will go to the mall and leaflets goal in the books. A war which will be photocopied and distributed flyers on the subway. A war which ATMs have anti-graffiti system. It will be a war in which the citizens will demand participatory democracy. Will be a war where the enemy is PPSOE and bipartisanship that we try to become consumers.

We are not consumers. We are citizens. We are anonymous. Do not forget and not forgive. We are legion.

Wait for us.