Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
How Can I Reset A Brookstone Luggage Lock?
Given that the existing definitions are designed to meet particular needs of the agencies that issue and can be very ambiguous to the value of education, the Ministry of National Education, with the support of experts from various education institutions Superior has agreed the following definition, in which initiatives are part of the Ministry on the subject: A learning object is a collection of digital resources, reusable entity with an educational purpose and consisting of at least three internal components: Content, learning activities and context elements. The learning object must have a structure of external information (metadata) to facilitate their storage, identification and recovery. Structural elements of a Learning Object Structure OA has a number of momentous twists through time analysis showing that the academic community has done on the subject.
Although not referred to in this definition, evaluation is a tool to verify the learning achieved. Are consistent the proposed objectives and the type of content presented |
Article taken from the portal colombiaaprende.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Koala Diaper Changing Stations Weight Limit
A learning object is anything that teachers can be reused to support and strengthen the learning process. Are multimedia learning objects that teachers must reuse and transformation. Objects that technology gives us, we must adapt, and create learning objects according to social context and time to propose teaching experience education.
To better illustrate the connectors with this link.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Women In A Red Dress Painting
Consider, therefore, in more detail the central element the new way to develop the courses is the learning object. Let's analyze what is meant by learning object.
The definition most cited in the literature is that of IEEE, proposed in one of the few standards related to e-learning that have been approved. This is LOM, which is defined a learning object as "any entity, digital or non digital, that can be used for learning, education or training." This definition is too general and has led to more specific definitions provided by other like Wiley (2000): "any digital resource that can be reused to support learning." Wiley also clarifies that is used to describe educational materials designed and created in small units in order to maximize the number of educational situations in which they can use that resource. This idea is directly reflected in the definition provided by Polsani (2003) which defines as "teaching unit of content, self-contained and independent, predisposed for reuse in multiple instructional contexts." Figure 2.4.a.
Diagram of e-learning process using learning objects (Adapted from Eduworks)
actually slightly IEEE currently has redefined the concept of learning object as any digital or other entity that can be used, reused or referenced during learning process supported by technology. Now it gives more importance to technological support, among which the LMS, and also provided as possible examples of multimedia learning objects, instructional content, learning objectives or instructional programs.
The aim is that the courses can be created by aggregation of these learning objects. The set of specifications and standards for e-learnign intended to facilitate all processes related to that can be done efficiently and consistently. For this purpose it is to regulate issues such as the description (using metadata) of learning objects, so that they can be managed, indexed and classified in an efficient manner, or stored in catalogs or databases (which typically are identified by the Anglicism repositories) or a complete course description. The standards therefore primarily facilitate reuse and interoperability, allowing direct exchange of learning objects and complete courses among different e-learning systems. On the other hand, the learning objects do not presuppose any particular educational philosophy, and although they have used mostly following instructional approach, can also be used in systems using other paradigms (eg constructivist). Nor does it imply that can be used only in distance education and to simplify processes and the reuse and integration of content so they can help teachers in other modes of education (eg blended learning or classroom teaching support).
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Lexington Es 335 Tires
computer networks, and specifically the Internet, represent, or should represent at least a factor-radical or catalyst for educational renewal and improvement of education. However, it is also true that Internet use for teaching purposes is not an easy process to implement and not always possible to perform satisfactorily. All educational renewal process is a complex subject the variability of many factors. Computer networks, by their very nature, allow that there are different levels of use and development of educational activities around them. Actions that can range from small teaching experiences (for example, publish a webpage with the syllabus of the subject) to the creation and functioning of an online training system.
For this reason, we can identify different levels of integration and use of Internet resources on a continuum that goes from simple to complex, evolving from the Internet as an ad hoc element to the conventional teaching practice, to creation of virtual scenarios teaching. This is the most basic level, which is identified with the course of learning environments, is simply to make the program accessible to students of the course (objectives, agenda, methodology, evaluation and recommended reading) and / or "notes" or topics of the field through the World Wide Web. Any teacher who has a space for your personal web page can do so with minimal knowledge of HTML (even without them). Any file produced on a word processor (like Word or Word Perfect) can be automatically transformed into an HTML file.
However, it is very important when designing and developing a website, take account of principles, procedures and some clear rules relating to the design of graphic content and page structuring, when applied to these elements, you are ready to create a well presented web site. Provide these elements is the aim of these weeks of work.
_____________________________________________________ web2 /
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Sample Culinary Reference Letter
Cooperative learning is one that the student performs with his working group, which should develop an activity according to the instructions of teachers, which should indicate the roles of each of the members and the responsibility the same in the conduct of the activity, as seen in the following quote "cooperative learning requires a division of tasks between the members of the group. For example, the teacher poses a problem and indicates what to do each member of the group, each taking responsibility for the solution of one part of the problem. This means that each student is responsible for one aspect and then they share results. " [1] , according to the above we can realize the following concept of" cooperative learning is to use small group teaching in which students work together to maximize their own learning and that of others. " [2] .
This learning is very similar to collaborative learning, the two are a social construction of knowledge for this reason many authors tend to give the same meaning but their differences go beyond mere semantics, as evidenced in the following paragraph "Approaches or paradigms of collaborative and cooperative learning, have some characteristics that differ markedly. Each paradigm represents one end of the teaching - learning that is going to be highly structured by the teacher (cooperative) to leave the responsibility primarily on student learning (collaborative). " [3]
Cooperative learning can be used in all subjects without any problem, you could say that their use is limited to the creativity of teachers, which is responsible for implementing the use of this strategy within the classroom, for which it can develop some of the following activities : Troubleshooting
project approaches.
Studies. Although
limit its implementation is not appropriate to divide the number of applications that enables learning.
[1] Zañartu Correa, Luz Maria, Cooperative learning: A new form of interpersonal dialogue and networking.
[2] IDEM
[3] IDEM
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How can we apply the instructional design criteria for learning objects?
Learning objects are destined to forever change the form and substance of learning and therefore change with unprecedented efficiency design, development and management of learning content.
Based on the concept that tells us Wiley (2000), the fundamental idea behind a learning object is that the designer can build small educational curriculum components that can be reused several times in different learning contexts. Three aspects therefore relevant to consider when defining a learning object:
any digital resource - that can be reused
- to "build" learning
Given this definition we can think of several examples of what could be an object of learning, from simple to complex: images (photographs, maps, diagrams, etc..) applications computer (Java applets, flash files and the like), case studies, references, URLs, etc.
Once developed, located, classified and systematized relevant learning objects passed to a second phase would be to design a teaching process from such learning objects, which follows a number of features inherent to this model of instructional design :
- Flexibility Ease of update, search and store
- Customizing
- Interoperability
- Ease of learning competency-based
- to invest less effort in designing new curriculum materials.
- Create personalized learning processes. Front
- through variety of channels (auditory, visual and textual), interactivity, hypermedia and hypertext.
- Lack of communication and information barriers, if we use the Internet as a medium.
Assembling Learning Objects:
WebQuests WebQuest concept
In the new general pedagogical approach, which gives utmost importance to the process student learning, has its rationale for the development of WebQuests by teachers because it allows you to design a sequence based on problem solving and independent learning. Furthermore, the relation between WebQuests and learning object is straightforward because the first is divided into parts that, in isolation, we can identify as learning objects. In this regard, Brown (1999) also speaks of "building blocks of a WebQuest" to identify as "Lego" various parts of a WebQuest.
WebQuest The idea was developed in 1995 at the San Diego State University by Bernie Dodge (1995) with Tom March. When defined as WebQuest simple, we use the terms "assisted search" (Vivancos). More complex area Moreira (2004a) indicates that it is "implementing a strategy of guided discovery learning a process of work developed by students using the resources of the WWW." In addition, Adelman (2004) defines it as "a learning activity that proposes a task feasible and attractive to students and a process to do during which students do things with information: analyze, synthesize, understand, transform, create , judge and evaluate, create new information, publish, share, etc.. " We can therefore highlight the features that has a WebQuest:
- An informative guided search activity in which most of the information used by learners is drawn from the mains.
- One type of unit that presents students with a task or solve a problem and a collaborative working process, mainly based on Internet resources.
- One of the teaching strategies to integrate into the curriculum resources of the Internet. It's about using the Internet in the daily activities of the class to achieve the objectives of the curriculum and provide students better learning opportunities.
- An activity didactic proposes a task feasible and attractive to students and a process to do it. The task should be more than answer questions about facts or concepts or copy what's on the computer screen, it's about doing something with the information, analyze, synthesize, transform, create, judge ...
Some of the features of a WebQuest are:
- requires students to solve the WQ forming teams, each taking a perspective or role for which specific information is available, and sharing the foreground to make the final product.
- final product quality depends on cooperative and collaborative work. And all this through a targeted and efficient use by the designer of the WQ of Internet resources and tools for access and information processing (computers, printers, browsers etc.).
WebQuest is designed to capitalize on students' time by focusing activity on the use of information rather than search, and to support student reflection on levels of analysis, synthesis and evaluation. It is built around a task attractive and motivating.
Parts of a WebQuest: spent a very brief show parts of a WebQuest:
- Addressed to students :
1. Introduction, which presents the general approach of the WQ.
2. Task is identified with the ultimate goal of the WQ: what should be drawn at the end of the WQ.
3. Process, which describes the activities and tasks to be performed.
4. Assessment, which describes the aspects that are valued and how they are valued.
5. Conclusions, which shows some final thoughts.
- Addressed to teachers:
6. Guidelines for teachers, which lists tips for using the WebQuest in the classroom.
These parts are common to any WebQuest but the combinations we can do in terms of issues, tasks, sequences, resources, etc. are endless and, perhaps most interesting when designing a WebQuest is the customization that can make the design of a WebQuest as a student recipient of the educational process. Generally, "if classroom training learning activities play an important role in distance learning could say that it is through such activities as the students learn" (Marcelo et al, 2000:81). If we can also customize most of such activities, we face the current scenario of e-learning and, specifically, combining learning objects to create structured learning sequences is one of the WebQuests possible solutions to this issue. Taken
RED. Journal of Distance Education.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
How Much Do Lindberg Frames Cost?
An OA is an intelligent agent. An intelligent agent is one that refers to any entity that has the ability, capacity and authority to act on behalf of another. For example we have intelligent software as Eva, Eduagent, CoBrown, Zeus and others. And a common factor in these OA is the goal of creating a collaborative learning environment among participants.
Some of the properties of the Intelligent Agent are:
· Autonomy, acts without the intervention of a person. Ability
social: it is communicative
· Reactivity: Detects the state of environment in which it is immersed and responds according to its function.
• Counseling by objectives: works in accordance with the objectives.
· Continuity temporary: it remains active.
· Mobility: travel, find resources.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Design Program Sandrail
OVAS. Virtual Learning Objects .
Figure No 1. Substantive requirements in the educational service
The standards committee learning1 technology delivers the following definition:
"A learning object is any entity, digital or not digital, which can be used, reused or referenced during technology-supported learning. Examples of learning supported by technology systems include computer-based training, interactive learning environments, intelligent computer-supported instruction, distance learning systems and collaborative learning environments. "
[1] Learning Technology Standards Committee LTSC
Examples of learning objects : include multimedia content, instructional content, learning objectives, instructional software and software tools, and persons, organizations or events referenced during computer-supported learning.
Aproa2 For the project, is defined as Learning Object:
"low freestanding structure that contains an objective, a learning activity un metadato y un mecanismo de evaluación, el cual puede ser desarrollado con tecnologías de infocomunicación (TIC) con el fin de posibilitar su reutilización, interoperabilidad, accesibilidad y duración en el tiempo." [2]
Históricamente los Objetos de Aprendizaje no se encuentran tan lejanos, algunos de los pioneros que iniciaron las primeras aproximaciones sobre empaquetamiento de recursos digitales con fines formativos surgen en los años 70 con la participación de Merrill, y que para la década de los 90 se convirtió en Instructional Transaction Theory. La identidad sobre learning object appears to be attributed to Wayne Hodgins (1992), who developed a concept around the fragmentation of content to facilitate and stimulate learning in a simple, but that in turn facilitate progress in the construction of other more complex learning broader basis. After that date, began to be born several teams working on these issues, among which can be referred to the Learning Object Metadata Group of the National Institute of Science and Technology, the IMS group, the IEEE (Learning Technology Standards Committee -LTSC-), which today have become recognized as a benchmark to address various issues associated.
In Colombia, in a recent issue of the LO Learning Object, has taken a relevant and more attractive in the past five years, today's public and private educational institutions accompanied together government policy have promoted the construction of both informative virtual objects as virtual objects learning. By 2005 around 8 universities in the country began the process of collective construction of objects to be incorporated into the portal Colombia Learns impacting several areas of knowledge to share and consult on open access. Features
aspects of learning objects that can be associated in terms of its essential attributes can be expressed as:
• The way that can be adapted on various educational purposes.
• On the way in which they are consulted on various platforms.
• The meaning and significance that associated with a learning objective. • The speed
be located and used at the appropriate time.
• The power to derive new objects. Generic
Thus, the characteristics that are associated with objects, can be summarized in the following diagram:
Benefits from
benefits derived from the object when it comes to promoting and stimulating the learning process, not only articulate with the academic activities but also the processes of research, strategic direction that can be attributed to the development of skills, to be used for freeform and massive at the same time, the harness its power generating savings in resources for both teachers and students, or other sometimes meet the competition and demand simultaneous queries per object in a repository, or finally, to motivate and promote collaborative work and the autonomy of the individual training.
While the direct benefits provided by the learning objects in the training process are multiple, similarly, have facilitated the development of techno-pedagogical applications on content and instructional design for e-learning, m-learning or development multimedia. A differential advantage for the implementation and management of knowledge.
directed approach to the construction of learning objects, then allows all the human resource physical and technology available to an educational institution can contribute to the development of objects as a competitive advantage within the mission of the organization object.
The diagram below expresses some significant benefits to be gained by maintaining a partnership approach to the construction of objects:
Figure No 3. Benefits from virtual learning objects.
Other aspects can be highlighted as benefits associated with different interest groups are:
objects that can be adjusted to different levels and learning objectives
Quick Reference and tailored global accessibility and content in less time.
Motivation, self-management and productivity in learning and skills development. • By Guardian
Share, updated, use other objects to associate the same purpose
Facilitate and lead processes of learning focused efforts
users acquire recognition in the academic community
allows the reuse of educational resources in various contexts and learning addressing the skills development focused
• For e-learning processes:
promotes adaptability, integration and reuse of Learning Objects.
facilitates the integration of different media through graphical interfaces.
structuring of information in hypertext format.
facilitates the interaction of different levels of users. (Manager, designer, student) savings in time and money resources
UNAD. Virtual Tutor Diploma, OAVs. 2008.
How Deborah Sampson Made A Difference
According Learning Standards technlogy Comitee (LTSC) of the IEEE are:
That learning objects should be: reusable, flexible and accessible and interoperable. According
educational use can be: an object of instruction, subject or object of practical cooperation.
Based on their level of granularity (related to the reusability) unit learning N1, N2 learning library, N3 N1 + N2 and N4 set of courses.
at the following URL we can see the construction of an OVA design using virtual tools. Http://