Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Design Program Sandrail

virtual learning objects - OVA.

OVAS. Virtual Learning Objects .

Figure No 1. Substantive requirements in the educational service


A Virtual Learning Object, you can take a logical interpretation when added meaning and significance to a minimal structure that must contain a learning goal, context, associated activity, an evaluation component and a metadata.
Other definitions:

The standards committee learning1 technology delivers the following definition:
"A learning object is any entity, digital or not digital, which can be used, reused or referenced during technology-supported learning. Examples of learning supported by technology systems include computer-based training, interactive learning environments, intelligent computer-supported instruction, distance learning systems and collaborative learning environments. "
[1] Learning Technology Standards Committee LTSC

Examples of learning objects : include multimedia content, instructional content, learning objectives, instructional software and software tools, and persons, organizations or events referenced during computer-supported learning.

Aproa2 For the project, is defined as Learning Object:

"low freestanding structure that contains an objective, a learning activity un metadato y un mecanismo de evaluación, el cual puede ser desarrollado con tecnologías de infocomunicación (TIC) con el fin de posibilitar su reutilización, interoperabilidad, accesibilidad y duración en el tiempo." [2]
Origen y Evolución de los OVAs

Históricamente los Objetos de Aprendizaje no se encuentran tan lejanos, algunos de los pioneros que iniciaron las primeras aproximaciones sobre empaquetamiento de recursos digitales con fines formativos surgen en los años 70 con la participación de Merrill, y que para la década de los 90 se convirtió en Instructional Transaction Theory. La identidad sobre learning object appears to be attributed to Wayne Hodgins (1992), who developed a concept around the fragmentation of content to facilitate and stimulate learning in a simple, but that in turn facilitate progress in the construction of other more complex learning broader basis. After that date, began to be born several teams working on these issues, among which can be referred to the Learning Object Metadata Group of the National Institute of Science and Technology, the IMS group, the IEEE (Learning Technology Standards Committee -LTSC-), which today have become recognized as a benchmark to address various issues associated.

In Colombia, in a recent issue of the LO Learning Object, has taken a relevant and more attractive in the past five years, today's public and private educational institutions accompanied together government policy have promoted the construction of both informative virtual objects as virtual objects learning. By 2005 around 8 universities in the country began the process of collective construction of objects to be incorporated into the portal Colombia Learns impacting several areas of knowledge to share and consult on open access. Features

aspects of learning objects that can be associated in terms of its essential attributes can be expressed as:
• The way that can be adapted on various educational purposes.
• On the way in which they are consulted on various platforms.
• The meaning and significance that associated with a learning objective. • The speed
be located and used at the appropriate time.
• The power to derive new objects. Generic
Thus, the characteristics that are associated with objects, can be summarized in the following diagram:

Figure No 2. Characteristics associated with virtual learning objects.

Benefits from

benefits derived from the object when it comes to promoting and stimulating the learning process, not only articulate with the academic activities but also the processes of research, strategic direction that can be attributed to the development of skills, to be used for freeform and massive at the same time, the harness its power generating savings in resources for both teachers and students, or other sometimes meet the competition and demand simultaneous queries per object in a repository, or finally, to motivate and promote collaborative work and the autonomy of the individual training.

While the direct benefits provided by the learning objects in the training process are multiple, similarly, have facilitated the development of techno-pedagogical applications on content and instructional design for e-learning, m-learning or development multimedia. A differential advantage for the implementation and management of knowledge.

directed approach to the construction of learning objects, then allows all the human resource physical and technology available to an educational institution can contribute to the development of objects as a competitive advantage within the mission of the organization object.

The diagram below expresses some significant benefits to be gained by maintaining a partnership approach to the construction of objects:

Figure No 3. Benefits from virtual learning objects.

Other aspects can be highlighted as benefits associated with different interest groups are:
• For the student

objects that can be adjusted to different levels and learning objectives
Quick Reference and tailored global accessibility and content in less time.
Motivation, self-management and productivity in learning and skills development. • By Guardian

Share, updated, use other objects to associate the same purpose
Facilitate and lead processes of learning focused efforts
users acquire recognition in the academic community
allows the reuse of educational resources in various contexts and learning addressing the skills development focused
• For e-learning processes:
promotes adaptability, integration and reuse of Learning Objects.
facilitates the integration of different media through graphical interfaces.
structuring of information in hypertext format.
facilitates the interaction of different levels of users. (Manager, designer, student) savings in time and money resources



UNAD. Virtual Tutor Diploma, OAVs. 2008.


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